English French
central central
Central Africa Afrique Centrale
Central African Centrafricain
Central African Republic République centrafricaine
Central African Republic Coupe Nationale Coupe de République centrafricaine de football
Central African Republic national football team Équipe de République centrafricaine de football
Central America Amérique centrale
Central American Parliament Parlement centraméricain
Central and Western District Central and Western
Central Antillean Slider Trachemys stejnegeri
Central Asia Asie centrale
Central Autónoma de Trabajadores Centrale autonome des travailleurs
Central Banat District Banat central
Central bank Banque centrale
Central Bank and Financial Services Authority of Ireland Central Bank and Financial Services Authority of Ireland
Central Bank of Brazil Banque centrale du Brésil
Central Bank of Luxembourg Banque centrale du Luxembourg
Central Bank of Russia Banque Centrale de Russie
Central Bearded Dragon Dragon barbu
Central Bohemia Bohème Central
Central Bohemian Region Bohême-Centrale
central business district centre-ville
Central Coast Mariners FC Central Coast Mariners FC
Central Commission for Navigation on the Rhine Commission centrale pour la navigation du Rhin
Central Committee Comité central
Central Committee of the Communist Party of China Comité central du Parti communiste chinois
Central Consistory Consistoire central
Central consonant Consonne centrale
Central Croatia Croatie centrale
Central Department Département Central
Central District District central
Central do Brasil Central do Brasil
Central dogma of molecular biology Théorie fondamentale de la biologie moléculaire
Central Eastern Alps Alpes orientales centrales
Central economic region Région économique centrale
Central Español Central Español Fútbol Club
Central Europe Europe centrale
Central European centreuropéen
Central European Free Trade Agreement Accord de libre-échange centre européen
Central European International Cup Coupe internationale
Central Federal District District fédéral central
Central Finland Finlande-Centrale
central government administration centrale
Central Greece Grèce-Centrale
central heating chauffage central
Central Hockey League Ligue centrale de hockey
Central Intelligence Agency Central Intelligence Agency
Central Japan Railway Company JR Central
Central Java Java-Centrale
Central Kalimantan Kalimantan Central
Central Khmer khmer
central limit theorem théorème central limite
Central line Central Line
Central Macedonia Macédoine-Centrale
Central Market of Salamanca Marché Central de Salamanque
Central Military Commission Commission militaire centrale
central nervous system système nerveux central
Central Organisation of Finnish Trade Unions Suomen Ammattiliittojen Keskusjärjestö
Central Ostrobothnia Ostrobotnie-Centrale
Central Pacific Railroad Central Pacific
Central Park Central Park
central park area zone centrale de parc
Central Park Zoo Zoo de Central Park
Central Perk Central Perk
Central place theory Modèle christallérien
Central Pori Church Église Keski-Pori
Central Powers Empires centraux
Central problem Problème de fond
central processing unit UCT
Central Province Province centrale
Central Region District central
Central Serbia Serbie centrale
Central shutter Obturateur central
Central stars Etoile centrale