English French
Easter flower jonquille
Easter Island Île de Pâques
Easter Monday Lundi de Pâques
Easter Parade Parade de printemps
Easter Sunday dimanche de Pâques
Easter Triduum Triduum
Easterlings Orientaux
easterly vers l'est
eastern oriental
Eastern Air Lines Eastern Air Lines
Eastern Armenian language Arménien oriental
Eastern Asia Asie de l'Est
Eastern Barred Bandicoot Perameles gunnii
Eastern Bearded Dragon Pogona barbata
Eastern bloc pays de l'Est
Eastern brown snake Pseudonaja textilis
Eastern Cape Cap-Oriental
Eastern Catholic Churches Églises catholiques orientales
Eastern Christianity Christianisme oriental
Eastern Cinema Cinéma chinois
Eastern Cottonwood Peuplier de Virginie
Eastern Daylight Time EDT
Eastern Europe Europe de l'Est
Eastern European Time Eastern European Time
Eastern Finland Finlande-Orientale
Eastern Fork-marked Lemur Phaner
Eastern Friesland Frise orientale
Eastern Ghats Ghâts orientaux
Eastern green mamba Dendroaspis angusticeps
Eastern Grey Kangaroo Kangourou géant
Eastern Gulf of Finland National Park Parc national du Golfe de Finlande oriental
Eastern Hemisphere hémisphère est
Eastern Highlands Eastern Highlands
Eastern Hog-nosed Skunk Conepatus leuconotus
eastern longitude longitude est
Eastern March Ostmark
Eastern Mole Scalopus
Eastern newt Notophthalmus viridescens
Eastern Orphean warbler Fauvette orphée
Eastern Orthodox Church Église orthodoxe
Eastern Orthodox Church organization Églises des sept conciles
Eastern Paradise Whydah Veuve de paradis
Eastern philosophy Philosophie japonaise
Eastern Province Province orientale
Eastern Pygmy Possum Cercartetus nanus
Eastern Quoll Chat marsupial moucheté
Eastern Reef Egret Aigrette sacrée
Eastern Rite Églises catholiques orientales
Eastern Romance languages Langues romanes orientales
Eastern Rosella Perruche omnicolore
Eastern Rumelia Roumélie orientale
Eastern Sea Mer du Japon
Eastern Settlement Histoire du Groenland
Eastern Skunk Cabbage Symplocarpus foetidus
Eastern Spadefoot Toads Leptobrachium
Eastern Spotted Skunk Spilogale putorius
Eastern Standard Time heure normale de l'est
Eastern Switzerland Suisse orientale
Eastern tiger swallowtail Papilio glaucus
Eastern Time Zone EDT
Eastern Towhee Tohi à flancs roux
Eastern world Orient
Eastern Wu Royaume de Wu
Eastern Yellow-billed Hornbill Calao à bec jaune
Easterner Oriental
Easting and northing Coordonnées cartésiennes
Eastland Eastland
Eastmain River Rivière Eastmain
Eastman Kodak Kodak
Easton Easton
Eastpak Eastpak
eastward vers l'est
eastwards vers l'est