English French
German auxiliary cruiser Orion Orion
German auxiliary cruiser Thor Thor
German auxiliary cruiser Widder Bélier
German battlecruiser Gneisenau Gneisenau
German battlecruiser Scharnhorst Scharnhorst
German battleship Bismarck Bismarck
German battleship Tirpitz Tirpitz
German card game Jeu de cartes allemand
German Cardinal Ratzinger elected Pope Benedict XVI Joseph Ratzinger élu pape
German Chancellery Chancellerie fédérale
German Civil Service Federation Dbb beamtenbund und tarifunion
German cockroach Blatte germanique
German colonial empire Empire colonial allemand
German colonization of the Americas Colonisation allemande des Amériques
German commando frogmen Nageur de combat
German Confederation Confédération germanique
German Confederation of Trade Unions Confédération allemande des syndicats
German Cross Croix allemande
German cruiser Emden Emden
German cruiser Karlsruhe Karlsruhe
German cruiser Köln Cologne
German cruiser Leipzig Leipzig
German cruiser Nürnberg Nuremberg
German cuisine Cuisine allemande
German declension Déclinaisons allemandes
German Democratic Party Parti démocrate allemand
German Democratic Republic RDA
German Design Award Prix de design allemand
German districts Landkreis
German East Africa Afrique orientale allemande
German Empire Empire allemand
German exonyms Correspondance des toponymies alsaciennes en français et en allemand
German Expressionism Cinéma expressionniste
German fire services Pompier en Allemagne
German folklore Légende
German Football Association Fédération allemande de football
German gold mark Goldmark
German grammar Grammaire allemande
German idealism Idéalisme allemand
German Instrument of Surrender German Instrument of Surrender
German Labour Front Deutsche Arbeitsfront
German lady Allemande
German language Allemand
German literature Littérature de langue allemande
German literature of the Baroque period Baroque
German man Allemand
German mark Deutsche Mark
German Mathematical Society Deutsche Mathematiker-Vereinigung
German measles rubéole
German Mediatisation Reichsdeputationshauptschluss
German Minority Minorité allemande
German minority in Poland Allemands de Pologne
German mounting Monture allemande
German Museum of Technology Deutsches Technikmuseum Berlin
German National Library Bibliothèque nationale allemande
German Navy Deutsche Marine
German New Guinea Nouvelle-Guinée allemande
German occupation of Czechoslovakia Tchécoslovaquie pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale
German occupation of France in World War II Europe sous domination nazie
German Order Ordre teutonique
German Party Parti allemand
German passport Passeport
German pocket battleship Admiral Graf Spee Admiral Graf Spee
German pocket battleship Deutschland Allemagne
German Red Cross Croix-Rouge allemande
German Reich Reich allemand
German Reichsmark Reichsmark
German Rentenmark Rentenmark
German Resistance Résistance allemande au nazisme
German reunification Réunification allemande
German Revolution Révolution allemande
German rock Rock allemand
German school of fencing Escrime médiévale
German shepherd berger allemand
German Shepherd Dog Berger allemand
German silver Maillechort
German Society for Sociology Société allemande de sociologie
German South-West Africa Sud-Ouest africain
German speaking part of Switzerland Suisse alémanique
German Spitz Spitz allemand
German Student Corps Canton de Corps
German tanker Altmark Altmark
German Trade Register Registre du commerce et des sociétés
German type Fraktur
German Type I submarine Unterseeboot type I
German Type II submarine Unterseeboot type II
German Type VII submarine Unterseeboot type VII
German Type X submarine Unterseeboot type X
German Type XXI submarine Unterseeboot type XXI
German Type XXIII submarine Unterseeboot type XXIII
German War Graves Commission Volksbund Deutsche Kriegsgräberfürsorge
German wasp Guêpe germanique
German Wikipedia Wikipédia en allemand
German Wikipedia to be printed Le Wikipedia en langue allemande sera imprimé
German wine Viticulture en Allemagne
German woman Allemande
German Youth Movement Mouvement de jeunesse
German-Brazilian Immigration allemande au Brésil
German-speaking Community of Belgium Communauté germanophone de Belgique
German-style board game Jeu de société
germander germandrée
germane allié
Germania Germanie
Germania Inferior Germanie inférieure
Germania Superior Germanie supérieure
Germanic germanique