English French
go wrong mal tourner
go-ahead entreprenant
go-between intermédiaire
go-cart kart
go-getter personne dynamique
Go-Go dancing Go-Go dancer
Go-NoGo gauge Calibre à limites
Goa Goa
Goa trance Trance goa
Goa Velha Old Goa
goal but
Goal keeper Gardien de but
goal line ligne de but
goal of individual economic business objectifs des entreprises
goal post poteau
Goalball Goal-ball
Goaler Gardien de but
goalkeeper gardien
Goalkeeper CIWS Gardien de but
goalpost poteau de but
goat bouc
goat cheese chèvre
goat fig-tree caprifiguier
goat's-beard salsifis
goatee barbiche
goatherd chevrier
Goats Head Soup Goats Head Soup
goatskin outre
gob se racler la gorge
gobble bouffer
gobbledygook charabia
Gobelin Manufacture des Gobelins
Gobelins manufactory Manufacture des Gobelins
Gobernador Gregores Gobernador Gregores
Gobernors of Victoria Gouverneur du Victoria
Gobi Désert de Gobi
Gobi Desert Désert de Gobi
Gobiesocidae Gobiesocoidei
Gobir Gobir
goblet coupe
goblin lutin
goblin shark requin lutin
gobshite fouille-merde
Gobustan State Reserve Réserve de Gobustan
goby gobie
Goce Delchev Gocé Deltchev
Gochang County Comté de Gochang
God Dieu
God Bless Fiji God Bless Fiji
God Bless Our Homeland Ghana God Bless Our Homeland Ghana
God bless you que Dieu te bénisse
God Defend New Zealand God Defend New Zealand
God Dethroned God dethroned
god forbid Grands dieux, non!
God game God game
God helps those who help themselves aide-toi, le ciel t'aidera