English French
great tit mésange charbonnière
great titmouse mésange charbonnière
Great Train Robbery Attaque du train postal Glasgow-Londres
Great Trek Grand Trek
Great truncated cuboctahedron Grand cuboctaèdre tronqué
Great truncated icosidodecahedron Grand icosidodécaèdre tronqué
Great Turkish Bombard Basilique
Great Turkish War Ligue catholique
Great Union Party Parti de la grande unité
great unwashed vulgum pecus
Great Victoria Desert Grand désert de Victoria
Great Vowel Shift Grand changement vocalique
Great Wall Grand Mur
Great Wall of China Grande Muraille
Great Wall of China Marathon Marathon de la Grande Muraille de Chine
Great War Grande Guerre
Great War Island Grande Île de la guerre
Great Western Railway Great Western Railway
Great white egret Grande aigrette
Great white pelican Pélican blanc
great white shark grand requin blanc
Great Zimbabwe Monument national du Grand Zimbabwe
great- arrière
great-aunt grand-tante
Great-billed Heron Ardea sumatrana
Great-billed Parrot Tanygnathus megalorynchos
Great-circle distance Distance du grand cercle
great-grandchild arrière-petit-enfant
great-grandfather arrière-grand-père
great-grandmother arrière-grand-mère
great-grandparent bisaïeul
great-grandparents arrière-grands-parents
great-grandson arrière-petit-fils
great-great-grandfather trisaïeul
great-great-grandmother trisaïeule
great-great-great-grandfather arrière-grand-père
great-great-great-great-grandfather arrière-grand-père
great-great-great-great-great-grandfather arrière-grand-père
great-nephew petit-neveu
great-niece petite-nièce
Great-tailed Grackle Quiscalus mexicanus
great-uncle grand-oncle