English French
Norrland Norrland
Norrmalm borough Norrmalm
Norrtälje Norrtälje
Norrtälje Municipality Norrtälje
Norse Norvégien
Norse colonization of the Americas Colonisation viking des Amériques
Norse mythology Mythologie nordique
Norsjö Municipality Commune de Norsjö
Norte de Santander Department Norte de Santander
Nortec Collective Nortec
Nortel Networks Nortel
Norteño Musique norteña
north vers le nord
North Adams North Adams
North Aegean Égée-Septentrionale
North Africa Afrique du Nord
North African Nordafricain
North African Campaign Guerre du désert
North America Amérique du Nord
North American Américain
North American Aviation North American
North American Free Trade Agreement Accord de libre-échange nord-américain
North American Numbering Plan Plan de numérotation nord-américain
North American Plate Plaque nord-américaine
North American Porcupine Erethizon dorsatum
North American Sports Network North American Sports Network
North American SuperLiga SuperLiga
North Anatolian Fault Faille nord-anatolienne
North and South Nord et sud
North and South Korea to hold second summit Les deux Corée annoncent leur second sommet bilatéral
North Andaman Island Andaman du Nord
North Anna Nuclear Generating Station Centrale nucléaire de North Anna
North Atlantic Cooperation Council Conseil de Coopération Nord Atlantique
North Atlantic Current Dérive nord atlantique
North Atlantic Ocean océan atlantique nord
North Atlantic Treaty Organization O.T.A.N.
North Auckland Peninsula Péninsule de Northland
North Ayrshire North Ayrshire
North Bahr al Ghazal Chamal Bahr al-Ghazal
North Banat District Banat septentrional
North Bačka District Bačka septentrionale
North Bend North Bend
North Bethel North Bethel
North Blenheim North Blenheim
North Brabant Brabant-Septentrional
North by Northwest La Mort aux trousses
North Cape Cap Nord
North Cape Tunnel Tunnel du Cap Nord
North Carolina Caroline du Nord
North Carolina - Raleigh Texas
North Cascades National Park Parc national des North Cascades
North Caucasus Ciscaucasie
North Caucasus Military District District militaire du Nord-Caucase
North Channel Canal du Nord
North Dakota Dakota du Nord
North District District nord
North East England Angleterre du Nord-Est
North East Lincolnshire Lincolnshire du Nord-Est
North Eastern Province Province nord-orientale
North Frisian Islands Îles frisonnes septentrionales
North galactic pole Pole galactique nord
North German Radio Symphony Orchestra Orchestre symphonique de la NDR
North Germanic languages Langues scandinaves
North Holland Hollande-Septentrionale
North Hollywood shootout Fusillade de North Hollywood
North Island Île du Nord
North Jutland County Jutland-du-Nord
North Jutlandic Island Vendsyssel-Thy
North Karelia Carélie du Nord
North Kazakhstan Province Kazakhstan-Septentrional
North Khorasan Province Khorasan-e-shomali
North Korea Corée du Nord
North Korea and weapons of mass destruction Armes nucléaires en Corée du Nord
North Korea announces it has conducted a successful nuclear test La Corée du Nord procède à son premier essai nucléaire
North Korea claims it has conducted a nuclear test La Corée du Nord procède à son premier essai nucléaire
North Korea national ice hockey team Équipe de Corée du Nord de hockey sur glace
North Korean Nord-coréen
North Korean national ice hockey team Équipe de Corée du Nord de hockey sur glace
North Korean won KPW
North Lanarkshire North Lanarkshire
north latitude latitude nord
North Lincolnshire Lincolnshire du Nord
North Little Rock North Little Rock
North London derby North London derby
North Maluku Moluques du Nord
North Mississippi Allstars Jim Dickinson
North Moravia Moravie du Nord
North Ossetia-Alania Ossétie-du-Nord-Alanie
North Pacific Right Whale Baleine franche du Pacifique Nord
North Pole Arctique
North Pole - the Pôle Nord
North Province Province du Nord
North Rhine-Westphalia Rhénanie-du-Nord-Westphalie
North San Juan North San Juan
North Saskatchewan River Rivière Saskatchewan-nord
North Sea Mer du Nord
North Sea Canal Canal de la Mer du Nord
North Sea oil Régions pétrolières en Europe
North See Mer du Nord
North Solomon Islands Salomon du Nord
North Star étoile polaire
North Sulawesi Sulawesi du Nord
North Sumatra Sumatra du Nord
North Sydney North Sydney
North Tipperary Nord-Tipperary
North Turnbridge North Turnbridge
North Uist North Uist
North Versailles North Versailles
North Vietnam République démocratique du Viêt Nam
North Wales Galles du Nord
North West Company Compagnie du Nord-Ouest
North West England Angleterre du Nord-Ouest
north wind vent du nord
North Woodstock North Woodstock
North Yemen République arabe du Yémen
North York Moors Parc national des North York Moors
North Yorkshire Yorkshire du Nord
North-East District District du Nord-Est
North-South divide Pays du Sud
North-South Junction Jonction Nord-Midi
North-South relationship relation Nord-Sud
North-West District District du Nord-Ouest
North-West Frontier Province Province de la Frontière-du-Nord-Ouest
North-West Rebellion Rébellion du Nord-Ouest
Northampton Northampton
Northampton County Comté de Northampton
Northamptonshire Northamptonshire
Northanger Abbey Northanger Abbey
northbound allant vers le nord
Northbridge Northbridge
northeast nord-est
Northeast China Dongbei
Northeast Division Division Nord-Est
Northeast Passage Passage du Nord-Est
northeasterly du nord-est
northeastern nord-est
Northeastern Mandarin Mandarin du nord-est
Northeastern University Northeastern University
Northeasters Nord-Est
Northeim Northeim
northerly nord
northerly wind vent du nord
northern nord
Northern Alligator Lizard Lézard-alligator boréal
Northern America Amérique du Nord
Northern Areas Territoires du Nord
Northern Basque Country Pays basque français
Northern Bat Eptesicus nilssonii
Northern Bettong Bettongia tropica
Northern Birch Mouse Siciste de bouleau
Northern blot Northern blot
Northern bluefin tuna Thunnus thynnus
Northern Borders Region Al Hudud ash Shamaliyah
Northern Brown Bandicoot Isoodon macrourus
Northern California Californie du nord
Northern Cape Cap-du-Nord
Northern Cardinal Cardinalis cardinalis
Northern Carmine Bee-eater Guêpier écarlate
Northern Cassowary Casoar unicaronculé
Northern Catalonia Catalogne Nord
Northern Court Cour du Nord
Northern Crusades Croisades baltes
Northern Cyprus Chypre du Nord
Northern Cyprus national football team Équipe de Chypre du Nord de football
Northern Dimension Dimension septentrionale
Northern District District nord
Northern Dvina River Dvina septentrionale
Northern Dwarf Siren Pseudobranchus striatus
Northern Elephant Seal Éléphant de mer du nord
Northern Epirus Épire du Nord
Northern Europe Europe du Nord
Northern Expedition Expédition du Nord
Northern Exposure Bienvenue en Alaska
Northern Flicker Pic flamboyant
Northern Fur Seal Otarie à fourrure du Nord
Northern goshawk Autour des palombes
Northern Governorate Nord
Northern Hairy-nosed Wombat Wombat à nez poilu
Northern Helmeted Curassow Hocco à pierre
Northern Hemisphere Hémisphère Nord
Northern highbush blueberry Airelle à feuilles étroites
Northern Ireland Irlande du Nord
Northern Ireland Assembly Assemblée nord-irlandaise
Northern Isles Northern Isles
Northern Italian language Parlers gallo-italiques
Northern Italic alphabet Alphabet étrusque
Northern Jacana Jacana du Mexique
Northern Leopard Frog Grenouille léopard
Northern Liang Liang septentrional
Northern Lights Les Royaumes du Nord
Northern Limestone Alps Préalpes orientales septentrionales
Northern line Northern Line
Northern March Marche du Nord
Northern Mariana Islands Îles Mariannes du Nord
Northern Mockingbird Moqueur polyglotte
Northern Ostrobothnia Ostrobotnie du Nord
Northern Pika Ochotona hyperborea
Northern pike Grand brochet
Northern Plains Gray Langur Entelle
Northern Praying Mantis Tang lang quan
Northern Province Province du Nord
Northern Pudu Pudu mephistophiles
Northern Qi Dynastie Qi du Nord
Northern Quoll Chat marsupial du nord
Northern Right Whale Dolphin Lissodelphis borealis
Northern River Otter Loutre de rivière
Northern Rock Northern Rock
Northern Savonia Savonie du Nord
Northern Saw-whet Owl Petite nyctale
Northern Sea Route Passage du Nord-Est
Northern Shoveler Canard souchet
Northern soul Northern soul
Northern Territory Territoire du Nord
Northern Thailand Nord
Northern viper Vipère berus
Northern Waterthrush Paruline des ruisseaux
Northern Wei Dynastie Wei du Nord
Northern Zhou Dynastie Zhou du Nord
Northerner nordiste
Northernmost settlements Liste des lieux habités les plus au nord du monde