English French
possible convenable
Possible Peru Perú Posible
possibly peut-être
possum opossum
post afficher
post bond for mettre en liberté sous caution
post meridiem de l'après-midi
post office poste
post office box B.P.
post up afficher
Post- och Inrikes Tidningar Post- och Inrikes Tidningar
Post-anarchism Post-anarchisme
Post-consumer waste Déchet
Post-democracy Post-démocratie
Post-hardcore Post-hardcore
Post-industrial society Économie post-industrielle
Post-it note Post-it
Post-Keynesian economics Post-keynésianisme
post-mortem autopsie
Post-punk Post-punk
Post-rock Post-rock
Post-structuralism Post-structuralisme
post-treatment post-traitement
Post-World War II baby boom Baby boom
postage affranchissement
Postage due Timbre-taxe
Postage prepaid Port payé
postage stamp timbre
Postage stamp booklet Carnet de timbres
Postage stamp design error Timbre erroné
Postage stamp separation Dentelure
Postage stamps and postal history of Russia Timbre postal
postal postal
Postal box Letterbox
postal card carte postale
Postal code Code postal
Postal history Histoire postale
Postal rates Tarif postal
postal service poste
Postal Services services postaux
Postal stationery Entier postal
Postally Poste
Postalveolar click Clic post-alvéolaire
Postalveolar consonant Consonne post-alvéolaire
Postal² Postal²
Postbauer-Heng Postbauer-Heng
postcard carte postale
Postcardware Carticiel
postcode code postal
Postcodes in Australia Code postal
Postcolonialism Post-colonialisme
Postcyberpunk Postcyberpunk
postdate postdater
Postdoctoral researcher Chercheur post-doctoral