English French
shapeliness beauté des formes
shapely bien fait
Shapiro delay Effet Shapiro
shapka chapska
Shapoklyak Chapeau claque
Shapour Bakhtiar Shapour Bakhtiar
Shapur Goût
Shapur I Shapur Ier
Shapur II Shapur II
Shapur III Shapur III
Shar Pei Shar Pei
Shar-Kali-Sharri Shar-kali-sharri
sharashka charachka
Sharat Chandra Chattopadhyay Saratchandra Chattopadhayay
Sharbat Gula Sharbat Gula
Sharbel Saint Charbel Makhlouf
shard éclat
Shard London Bridge Shard London Bridge
Shardana Shardanes
share action
share a room partager une chambre
Share in a business Mise de fonds
Share in profits Part de bénéfice
Share of stock Action
Share of the market Part de marché
Share price Cours boursier
Share the same life Vivre en communauté
Share to bearer Action au porteur
share-out distribution
sharecropper colon
shared commun
Shared source Shared source
Shared space Route nue
shareholder actionnaire
shares actions
shareware shareware
shari'a charia
Sharia Charia
sharif chérif
Sharif of Mecca Chérif de la Mecque
Sharif University of Technology Université Sharif de technologie
Sharingan Kekkei genkai
Sharjah Charjah
shark escroc
Shark Bay Baie Shark
Shark catfish Pangasiidae
shark fin aileron de requin
shark fin soup soupe aux ailerons de requins
Shark Tale Gang de requins
Shark teeth Glossopètre
Shark-fin soup Shark finning
Sharky and George Sharky et Georges
Sharm el-Sheikh Charm el-Cheikh
Sharmell Sullivan Sharmell Sullivan
Sharof Rashidov Charaf Rachidov
Sharon den Adel Sharon den Adel
Sharon Gless Sharon Gless
Sharon plain Sharon
Sharon Stone Sharon Stone
Sharon Tate Sharon Tate
sharp brusque
sharp bend coude