English French
Soccer World Cup Coupe du monde de la FIFA
Socchi Sotchi
Sochi Sotchi
Sochi International Airport Sotchi
Sochi River Sotchi
sociability sociabilité
sociable liant
Sociable Lapwing Vanneau sociable
Sociable number Nombre sociable
social sociable
social activity activité sociale
Social Alternative Alternative sociale
Social anxiety Phobie sociale
Social background Milieu
social behavior comportement social
social behaviour comportement social
Social bookmarking Social bookmarking
Social Christian Party Parti social-chrétien
Social Christian Reformist Party Parti réformiste social chrétien
Social Christian Unity Party Parti Unité sociale-chrétienne
social class classe sociale
social climate ambiance
social climber arriviste
Social cognition Psychologie sociale
Social conservatism Conservatisme social
Social constructionism Constructivisme social
social contract contrat social
social credit crédit social
Social dance Danse de société
social Darwinism darwinisme social
Social Democracy of Poland Parti social-démocrate de Pologne
Social Democrat social-démocrate
Social Democrat Hunchakian Party Hentchak
Social Democrat Radical Party Parti radical social-démocrate du Chili
Social Democratic social-démocrate
Social Democratic and Labour Party Parti social-démocrate et travailliste
Social Democratic Front Front social-démocrate
Social Democratic League Ligue sociale-démocrate
Social Democratic Party Parti social-démocrate
Social Democratic Party of Albania Parti social-démocrate
Social Democratic Party of Bosnia and Herzegovina Parti social-démocrate
Social Democratic Party of Bosnia-Herzegovina Parti social-démocrate
Social Democratic Party of Croatia Parti social-démocrate de Croatie
Social Democratic Party of Finland Parti social-démocrate de Finlande
Social Democratic Party of Lithuania Parti social-démocrate lituanien
Social Democratic Party of Moldova Parti social-démocrate de Moldavie
Social Democratic Party of Russia Parti social-démocrate de Russie
Social Democratic Party of Slovakia Parti social-démocrate slovaque
Social Democratic Party of Switzerland Parti socialiste suisse
Social Democratic Union of Macedonia Union sociale-démocrate de Macédoine
Social Democrats Socialdemokraterne