English French
The Mark of Zorro Le Signe de Zorro
The Market for Lemons The Market for Lemons
The Marriage of Figaro Les Noces de Figaro
The Marriage of Maria Braun Le Mariage de Maria Braun
The Marriage of the Virgin Mariage de la Vierge
The Marrow of a Bone The Marrow of a Bone
The Marshall Tucker Band The Marshall Tucker Band
The Martian Chronicles Chroniques martiennes
The Mask The Mask
The Mask of Zorro Le Masque de Zorro
The Masque of the Red Death Le Masque de la Mort Rouge
The Master and Margarita Le Maître et Marguerite
The Master of the World Maître du Monde
The Masterplan The Masterplan
The Masters Tournament Masters de golf
The Matrix Matrix
The Matrix Online The Matrix Online
The Matrix Reloaded Matrix Reloaded
The Matrix Revolutions Matrix Revolutions
The Meaning of Liff The Meaning of Liff
The Medallion Le Médaillon
The Medusa Touch La Grande Menace
The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya Suzumiya Haruhi no yūutsu
The Merchant of Venice Le Marchand de Venise
The Merry Widow La Veuve joyeuse
The Merry Wives of Windsor Les Joyeuses Commères de Windsor
The Mescaleros The Mescaleros
The Message Le Message
The Messiah Messie
The Metamorphosis La Métamorphose
The Mexican Le Mexicain
The Mexican Staring Frog of Southern Sri Lanka La Grenouille mexicaine hypnotique du sud du Sri Lanka
The Mickey Mouse Club The Mickey Mouse Club
The Middle Ages Moyen Âge
The Middle East Moyen-Orient
The Military Border Confin militaires
The Milkmaid La Laitière
The Million Dollar Homepage Million Dollar Homepage
The Million Dollar Hotel The Million Dollar Hotel
The Minch The Minch
The Miracle The Miracle
The Miracle of Bern Le Miracle de Berne
The Miracle Worker Miracle en Alabama
The Mirage The Mirage
The Mirror Le Miroir
The Mirror Has Two Faces Leçons de séduction
The Miserable Mill Cauchemar à la scierie
The Miserly Knight Le Chevalier avare
The Misfits Misfits
The Misfortunes of Virtue Justine ou les Malheurs de la vertu
The Missing Les Disparues
The Missouri Breaks Missouri
The Mist The Mist
The Modern Age Époque moderne
The modern period Époque moderne