Search term emotional has 12 results
EN English FR French
emotional (a) [feelings] sensible (a) [feelings]
emotional (a) [feelings] captivant (a) [feelings]
emotional (a) [feelings] ému (a) [feelings]
emotional (a) [event] émouvant (a) [event]
emotional (a) [feelings] émouvant (a) [feelings]
EN English FR French
emotional (a) [event] intense (a) [event]
emotional (a) [feelings] émotif (a) [feelings]
emotional (a) [feelings] impressionnable (a) [feelings]
emotional (a) [feelings] sentimental (a) {m} [feelings]
emotional (a) [feelings] poignant (a) [feelings]
emotional (a) [feelings] bouleversant (a) [feelings]
emotional (a) [feelings] déchirant (a) [feelings]
EN Synonyms for emotional FR Translations
longing [sentimental] tęsknota {f}
yearning [sentimental] (literature tęsknota {f}
romantic [sentimental] romantyczny
thrilling [inspiring] pasjonujący
moving [inspiring] ruchomy
tense [exciting] czas {m}
gushy [romantic] afektowany
sentimental [romantic] uczuciowy
eager [behaviour] gorliwy
excited [behaviour] szalony
zealous [behaviour] zapamiętały
warm [behaviour] żarliwy
gushing [excitable] afektowany
loving [expressive of emotions] czuły
feeling [expressive of emotions] uczucie {n}
impulsive [expressive of emotions] porywczy
susceptible [sensitive] wrażliwy
sensuous [sensitive] zmysłowy
sentient [sensitive] przytomny
tender [sensitive] przetarg {m}