Search term horrible has 39 results
EN English FR French
horrible (a) [appearance] horrible (a) [appearance]
horrible (a) [feelings] horrible (a) [feelings]
horrible (a) [monstrous] horrible (a) [monstrous]
horrible (a) [feelings] épouvantable (a) [feelings]
horrible (a) [feelings] affreux (a) [feelings]
EN English FR French
horrible (a) [feelings] atroce (a) [feelings]
horrible (a) [appearance] effrayant (a) [appearance]
horrible (a) [appearance] redoutable (a) [appearance]
horrible (a) [monstrous] monstrueux (a) [monstrous]
FR French EN English
horrible (a) [sentir] foul (a) [sentir]
horrible (a) [mal] unbearable (a) [mal]
horrible (a) [mal] torturing (a) [mal]
horrible (a) [mal] agonizing (a) [mal]
horrible (a) [mal] excruciating (a) [mal]
horrible (a) [sentiments] shocking (a) [sentiments]
horrible (a) [monstrueux] monstrous (a) [monstrueux]
horrible (a) [sentiments] horrific (a) [sentiments]
horrible (a) [sentiments] horrifying (a) [sentiments]
horrible (a) [général] creepy (a) [général]
horrible (a) [apparence] horrid (a) [apparence]
horrible (a) [effroi] dire (a) [effroi]
horrible (adj) [repellently frightful and shocking; horrific or ghastly] gruesome (adj) [repellently frightful and shocking; horrific or ghastly]
horrible (a) [effroi] gruesome (a) [effroi]
horrible (a) [général] horrendous (a) [général]
horrible (a) [apparence] horrible (a) [apparence]
horrible (a) [sentir] evil (a) [sentir]
horrible (a) [mauvais] ghastly (a) [mauvais] (informal)
horrible (a) [effroyable] ghastly (a) [effroyable] (informal)
horrible (a) [effroyable] frightful (a) [effroyable]
horrible (a) [terrible] dreadful (a) [terrible]
horrible (a) [sentiments] dreadful (a) [sentiments]
horrible (a) [effroyable] dreadful (a) [effroyable]
horrible (a) [effroi] dreadful (a) [effroi]
horrible (a) [terrible] terrible (a) [terrible]
horrible (adj) [dreadful; causing alarm or fear] terrible (adj) [dreadful; causing alarm or fear]
horrible (a) [terrible] fearful (a) [terrible]
horrible (a) [sentir] nasty (a) [sentir]
horrible (a) [sentiments] horrible (a) [sentiments]
horrible (a) [monstrueux] horrible (a) [monstrueux]

French English translations

FR Synonyms for horrible EN Translations
épouvantable [manière] 惨憺たる (adj)
désastreux [manière] 忌まわしい (adj adv)
disgracieux [abominable] 目障り (adj)
laid [abominable] 格好悪い (adj n)
méchant [abominable] 悪役 (n)
odieux [haïssable] 敵対 (adj n)
méprisable [haïssable] 卑劣な (adj)
terrible [effroyable] 惨憺たる (adj)
terrifiant [effroyable] 恐い (adj)
sinistre [effroyable] 不気味な (adj)
effrayant [effroyable] 怖い (adj)
angoissant [effrayant] 気味悪い (adj)
excessif [extrême] 過度の (adj)
inacceptable [intolérable] 容認できない (adj)
ennuyeux [intolérable] つまらない (tsumaranai)
gênant [intolérable] 面倒 (adj)
fatigant [intolérable] 疲れさせる (n adj)
violent [insupportable] 暴力的 (adj)
douloureux [insupportable] 悲しい (adj)
dégoûtant [choquant] きもい (adj)