Search term misérable has 24 results
FR French EN English
misérable (a) [insignifiant] pathetic (a) [insignifiant]
misérable (a) [pauvreté] poverty-stricken (a) [pauvreté]
misérable (adj) [not having worth and use, without value, inconsequential] worthless (adj) [not having worth and use, without value, inconsequential]
misérable (a) [état émotionnel] wretched (a) [état émotionnel]
misérable (a) [abject] abject (a) [abject]
FR French EN English
misérable (adj n v) [A person in the lowest and most despicable condition] abject (adj n v) [A person in the lowest and most despicable condition]
misérable (a) [état émotionnel] lousy (a) [état émotionnel] (informal)
misérable (a) [état émotionnel] rotten (a) [état émotionnel]
misérable (a) [quantité] meager (a) [quantité]
misérable (a) [quantité] beggarly (a) [quantité]
misérable (a) [quantité] measly (a) [quantité] (informal)
misérable (a) [insignifiant] measly (a) [insignifiant] (informal)
misérable (a) [pauvre] poor (a) [pauvre]
misérable (a) [quantité] paltry (a) [quantité]
misérable (a) [insignifiant] paltry (a) [insignifiant]
misérable (a) [état émotionnel] miserable (a) [état émotionnel]
misérable (a) [pauvre] miserable (a) [pauvre]
misérable (a) [insignifiant] miserable (a) [insignifiant]
misérable (a) [abject] miserable (a) [abject]
misérable (a) [personne] indigent (a) [personne] (formal)
misérable (a) [personne] penurious (a) [personne] (formal)
misérable (a) [minable] seedy (a) [minable]
misérable (a) [minable] shabby (a) [minable]
misérable (a) [quantité] poor (a) [quantité]

French English translations

FR Synonyms for misérable EN Translations
vorace [famélique] voracious
affamé [famélique] famished
dérisoire [mesquin] paltry
pauvre [mesquin] m poor
mauvais [mesquin] bad
sans valeur [mesquin] worthless
chétif [mesquin] spindly
meurtrier [trait de caractère] m cutthroat
malhonnête [trait de caractère] dishonest
vil [trait de caractère] vile (informal)
méprisable [trait de caractère] despicable
criminel [trait de caractère] m felon
éperdu [triste] frantic
désespéré [triste] dismayed
nécessiteux [pauvre] necessitous (formal)
vagabond [pauvre] m drifter
indigent [pauvre] m pauper
mendiant [pauvre] m bum (informal)
va-nu-pieds [pauvre] m tramp
clochard [pauvre] m wanderer