Search term litter has 4 results
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EN Synonyms for litter HU Translations
beget [reproduction] engendrar
give birth to [reproduction] parir
turn out [reproduction] asistir
spawn [reproduction] huevas
bear [reproduction] oso {m}
issue [offspring] (formal expender
progeny [offspring] (literature progenie {f}
young [offspring] joven {m}
brood [offspring] cría {f}
miscellany [mixture] miscelánea {f}
jumble [mixture] maraña {f}
muddle [mixture] enredo {m}
hotchpotch [mixture] ropa vieja {f}
farrago [mixture] fárrago
mess [mixture] (informal lio
clutter [action] caos {m}
disorder [state] desorden {m}
confusion [state] confusión {f}
untidiness [state] desorden {m}
rubbish [thing] mamarracho {m}