English Italian
Adunis Adonis
Advaita Vedanta Advaita Vedānta
advance andare avanti
Advance Australia Fair Advance Australia Fair
Advance fee fraud Truffa alla nigeriana
Advance health care directive Testamento biologico
advance payment pagamento anticipato
advanced avanzare
Advanced Access Content System Advanced Access Content System
Advanced Audio Coding Advanced Audio Coding
Advanced Configuration and Power Interface Advanced Configuration and Power Interface
Advanced Host Controller Interface AHCI
advanced ignition accensione anticipata
Advanced language Linguaggio di programmazione ad alto livello
Advanced Linux Sound Architecture Advanced Linux Sound Architecture
Advanced Micro Devices Advanced Micro Devices
Advanced Packaging Tool Advanced Packaging Tool
Advanced Passenger Train Advanced Passenger Train
Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer
Advanced Stream Redirector Advanced Stream Redirector
Advanced Systems Format Advanced Systems Format
Advanced Technology Attachment Advanced Technology Attachment
Advanced Video Codec High Definition AVCHD
advancement progresso
advancing prossimo
advantage utile
advantageous utile
advantageously vantaggiosamente
advantages vantaggi
advantagious utile
advection avvezione
Advent avvento
Advent calendar Avvento
Adventist Chiesa cristiana avventista del settimo giorno
Adventist Development and Relief Agency ADRA
adventitious casuale
adventure avventura
adventurer temerario
adventures peripezie
Adventures in Babysitting Tutto quella notte
Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Le avventure di Huckleberry Finn
adventuresome audace
adventuress avventuriera
adventurine avventurina
adventurism avventurismo
adventurous audace
adventurousness spirito d'avventura
adverb avverbio
adverbial avverbiale
adverbially avverbiale
Advergaming Advergame
Adversarial system Sistema accusatorio
adversaries avversario
adversary antagonista
adverse avverso
Adverse selection Selezione avversa
adversity avversità
advert denuncia
advertence richiamare
advertent dimostrativo
advertise annunciare
Advertise oneself Mattatore
advertised annunciato
advertisemen denuncia
advertisement denuncia
advertiser inserzionista
advertises inserito
advertising pubblicità
Advertising slogan Slogan pubblicitario
Advertising slogans Slogan pubblicitari
Advertisment Pubblicità
advice avviso
adviced against sconsigliato
advisability opportunità
advisable opportuno
advise avvertire
advise against distogliere
advise somebody informare qualcuno
advised consigliato
advisedly deliberatamente
adviser consulente
advising che consiglia
advisor consulente
advisory che consiglia
advisory assistant consigliere