English Italian
centimeter centimetro
centimeters centìmetro
centimetre centimetro
Centimetre gram second system of units Sistema CGS
centimorgan centimorgan
centipede centopiedi
Cento giorni a Palermo Cento giorni a Palermo
central principale
Central Africa Africa centrale
Central African Republic Repubblica Centrafricana
Central African Republic national football team Nazionale di calcio della Repubblica Centrafricana
Central Air Data Computer Central Air Data Computer
Central America America centrale
Central American and Caribbean Games Giochi centramericani e caraibici
Central Antillean Slider Trachemys stejnegeri
Central Asia Asia centrale
Central Asian Red Deer Cervus affinis
Central Banat District Banato centrale
Central bank Banca centrale
Central Bohemian Region Boemia centrale
Central Bosnia Canton Cantone della Bosnia Centrale
Central Committee Comitato centrale
Central Committee for Ex-Muslims Centraal Comité voor Ex-moslims
Central Committee of the Communist Party of China Comitato Centrale del Partito Comunista Cinese
Central Department Central
Central District Distretto Centrale
Central do Brasil Central do Brasil
Central dogma of molecular biology Dogma centrale della biologia molecolare
Central Eastern Rainforest Reserves Riserve della foresta pluviale centro orientale
Central Europe Europa centrale
Central European centroeuropeo
Central European Free Trade Agreement Accordo centroeuropeo di libero scambio
Central European Initiative Iniziativa Centro Europea
Central European International Cup Coppa internazionale
Central European Time Central European Time
Central Federal District Distretto Federale Centrale
Central Finland Finlandia centrale
central government governo centrale
central heating riscaldamento centrale
Central Hungary Ungheria Centrale
Central Industrial Region Centralny Okręg Przemysłowy
Central Intelligence Agency Central Intelligence Agency
Central Kalimantan Kalimantan Centrale
Central Khmer khmer
Central lubrication Lubrificazione centralizzata
Central Luzon Luzon Centrale
Central Macedonia Macedonia Centrale