English Italian
Chungju Chungju
Chungking Express Hong Kong Express
Chungkingosaurus Chungkingosaurus jiangbeiensis
chunk tocco
Chunk of wood Toppo
chunkily cumulo
chunky robusto
chunter brontolare
Chupacabra Chupacabra
Chuquisaca Department Dipartimento di Chuquisaca
Churapcha Čurapča
church chiesa
Church encoding Booleano di Church
Church Fathers Padre della Chiesa
Church living Pane
Church of Domine Quo Vadis Chiesa del Domine quo vadis
Church of England Chiesa anglicana
Church of Greece Chiesa greco-ortodossa
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Mormonismo
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Mormonismo
Church of Our Lady Frauenkirche
Church of Peace Chiese della Pace
Church of Rome Chiesa cattolica
Church of San Giorgio Maggiore San Giorgio Maggiore
Church of Satan Chiesa di Satana
Church of Scotland Chiesa di Scozia
Church of the Eremitani Chiesa degli Eremitani
Church of the Gesu Chiesa del Gesù
Church of the Holy Apostles Chiesa dei Santi Apostoli
Church of the Holy Sepulchre Chiesa del Santo Sepolcro
Church of the Holy Spirit Chiesa di Santo Spirito
Church of the Nativity Basilica della Natività
Church of the Saviour at Berestove Chiesa del Salvatore in Berestovo
Church of the SubGenius Church of the SubGenius
Church Slavonic language Slavo ecclesiastico
Church social worker Diacono
Church-building Chiesa
Church-Turing thesis Tesi di Church-Turing
churches chiese
Churches of Peace Chiese della Pace
Churches of Rome Chiese di Roma
churchgoer praticante
Churchill Churchill
Churchill Cup Churchill Cup
Churchill Falls Churchill
Churchill River Churchill
Churchill tank Churchill
churchman ecclesiastico
churchwarden amministratore della parrocchia
churchy bigotto
churchyard cimitero
churl barbaro