English Italian
Dance-punk Dance Punk
danced ballai
dancehall sala da ballo
dancer ballerina
Dancer in the Dark Dancer in the Dark
Dances with Wolves Balla coi lupi
dancing ballo
Dancing House Casa danzante
Dancing Lady La danza di Venere
Dancing on Ice Notti sul ghiaccio
Dancing Satyr of Mazara del Vallo Satiro danzante
Dancing with the Dead Dancing with the Dead
Dancing with the Stars Ballando con le stelle
Dancing-partner Partita tra due persone
Dandelin spheres Sfere di Dandelin
dandelion dente di leone
Dandenong Dandenong
Dandeny Muñoz Mosquera Dandeny Munoz-Mosquera
dander forfora
Danderyd Municipality Danderyd
dandle cullare
dandruff forfora
dandy zerbino
dandyism dandismo
Dane danese
Danegeld Danegeld
Danelaw Danelaw
Danevirke Danevirke
danger pericolo
danger analysis analisi del pericolo
dangerous critico
Dangerous and Moving Dangerous and Moving
dangerous criminal bandito
dangerous goods prodotto pericoloso
dangerous goods law legge sulle merci pericolose
dangerous goods regulation disposizioni sui prodotti pericolosi
dangerous installation installazione pericolosa
Dangerous Liaisons Le relazioni pericolose
dangerous materials transport trasporto di materie pericolose
Dangerous Moves Mosse pericolose
dangerous undertaking avventura
dangerously pericolosamente
Dangerously in Love Dangerously in Love
dangerousness pericolosità
Dangjin Dangjin
dangle dondolare
dangling penzolante
Dani California Dani California
Dani Filth Dani Filth
Dani Martin El Canto del Loco
Dani Pedrosa Daniel Pedrosa
Dani Woodward Dani Woodward
Daniel Daniele
Daniel Agger Daniel Agger
Daniel Akaka Daniel Akaka
Daniel Alves Daniel Alves
Daniel Aranzubía Daniel Aranzubía
Daniel Auber Daniel Auber
Daniel Auteuil Daniel Auteuil
Daniel Barenboim Daniel Barenboim
Daniel Bernhardt Daniel Bernhardt
Daniel Bernoulli Daniel Bernoulli
Daniel Bertoni Daniel Bertoni
Daniel Boone Pioneer
Daniel Bovet Daniel Bovet
Daniel Brühl Daniel Brühl
Daniel Buren Daniel Buren
Daniel Carleton Gajdusek Daniel Carleton Gajdusek
Daniel Ciobotea Daniele
Daniel Cohn-Bendit Daniel Cohn-Bendit
Daniel Comboni Daniele Comboni
Daniel Craig Daniel Craig
Daniel Day-Lewis Daniel Day-Lewis
Daniel Defoe Daniel Defoe
Daniel Dennett Daniel Dennett
Daniel DiNardo Daniel DiNardo
Daniel Elena Daniel Elena
Daniel François Malan Daniel François Malan
Daniel Fredheim Holm Daniel Fredheim-Holm