English Italian
Frička Frička
Fričkovce Fričkovce
Frobenius endomorphism Endomorfismo di Frobenius
frock vestito
frock coat finanziera
frock-coat redingote
Frode Estil Frode Estil
Frodo Baggins Frodo Baggins
frog rana
Froggy Francese
frogman uomo rana
Frogn Frogn
Frogner Park Frognerparken
frogs rane
frogspawn uova di rana
Frohnau Frohnau
Froideville Froideville
Froland Froland
frolic divertimento
frolics scherzo
frolicsome allegro
Frolovo Frolovo
from di
from ... forwards da ... in poi
from ... on da ... in poi
from ... onward da ... in poi
from ... onwards da ... in poi
From a Basement on the Hill From a Basement on the Hill
from A to Z dalla A alla Z
from afar lunghi
from among tra
from Apulia pugliese
From Autumn to Ashes From Autumn to Ashes
From birth Di nascita
from dawn to dusk dalla mattina alla sera
from day to day giorno
From First to Last From First to Last
from head to toe capo
from hence forwards ora
From Her To Eternity From Her to Eternity
from lack of per mancanza di
from Liguria ligure
from me parte
From Me To You From Me To You
from Milan milanese
from now on ora
from San Marino sanmarinese
from side to side attraverso
From that moment Per conseguenza
from that time on poi
From the Dallo
From the Bottom of My Broken Heart From the Bottom of My Broken Heart
From the Earth to the Moon Dalla Terra alla Luna
From the Muddy Banks of the Wishkah From the Muddy Banks of the Wishkah
from the very beginning proprio dall'inizio
from there quindi
From this time forward Da ora in poi
from time to time di quando in quando
from today poi
from Tuscany toscano
from under da sotto
from want of per mancanza di
from where dove
Frombork Frombork
Frome Frome
frond fronda
frondose frondoso
Fronhausen Fronhausen