English Italian
Happurg Happurg
happy allegro
happy birthday buon compleanno
Happy Birthday to You Tanti auguri a te
Happy Days Happy Days
Happy Feet Happy Feet
Happy Hairston Happy Hairston
Happy Mac Happy Mac
happy medium aurea mediocrità
Happy New Year buon anno
Happy slapping Happy slapping
Happy Tree Friends Happy Tree Friends
Happy with What You Have to Be Happy With Happy with What You Have to Be Happy with
happy-go-lucky senza pensieri
Hapsburg Asburgo
Hapten Aptene
har guaio
hara-kiri carachiri
Haraam Haram
Harad Harad
Haradrim Haradrim
Harakat Kasra
Harald Blåtand Aroldo I di Danimarca
Harald I of Denmark Aroldo I di Danimarca
Harald I of Norway Harald I di Norvegia
Harald II of Denmark Harald II di Danimarca
Harald II of Norway Harald II di Norvegia
Harald III of Denmark Harald III di Danimarca
Harald III of Norway Harald III di Norvegia
Harald Schumacher Harald Schumacher
Harald Sverdrup Harald Sverdrup
Harald V of Norway Harald V di Norvegia
harangue sproloquio
Harappa Harappa
Harar Harar Jugol
Harare Harare
Harari Region Regione di Harar
harass intimidire
harassed inquieto
harasser perseguitatore
harasses inquieto
harassing minaccia
harassment tormento
Harbin Harbin
harbinger indizio
harbor rifugio
harborage rifugio
harbour rifugio
Harbour pilot Pilot
Harbour Porpoise Phocoena phocoena
harbour-office capitaneria
Harburg Harburg
hard davvero
hard and fast immutabile
hard as nails duro