English Italian
Motagua River Motagua
mote granellino di polvere
motel motel
motet mottetto
Moteur Developpement International Moteur Developpement International
Motezuma Motezuma
Motešice Motešice
moth tignola
moth repellent antitarmico
mothball pallina di naftalina
mother fare da madre a
Mother Brain Mother Brain
Mother Cabrini Santa Francesca Saverio Cabrini
Mother Celine Borzecka Celina Chludzińska Borzęcka
Mother Courage and Her Children Madre Coraggio e i suoi figli
Mother goddess Grande Madre
Mother Goose Mamma Oca
mother in law suocera
Mother Night Madre notte
Mother of God Maria
Mother Teresa Madre Teresa di Calcutta
mother tongue madrelingua
Mother's Day festa della mamma
mother-in-law suocera
mother-of-pearl madreperla
mother-to-be futura mamma
Mother-tongue Madrelingua
Motherboards Mainboard
motherhood maternità
motherland patria
Motherland Party Partito della Madrepatria
motherless orfano di madre
motherly materno
Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo Madri di Plaza de Mayo
Motherwell Motherwell
Mothes Motten
Mothman Mothman
mothproof antitarmico
moths tarma
motif motivo
motion mozione
Motion capture Cattura del movimento
Motion compensation Motion compensation
Motion Picture Association of America Motion Picture Association of America
motion sickness mal d'aria
Motion-picture theater Cinema-teatro
motionless fermo
motionlessness calma
motivate stimolare
motivation motivazione
motive motivo
motley variopinto
Moto Rumi Rumi