English Italian
Weiz Weiz
Weizen Weizen
Weißbach Weißbach
Weißdorf Weißdorf
Weiße Elster Elster Bianco
Weißenbach an der Triesting Weißenbach an der Triesting
Weißenbrunn Weißenbrunn
Weißenburg in Bayern Weißenburg in Bayern
Weißenfels Weißenfels
Weißenhorn Weißenhorn
Weißenkirchen in der Wachau Weißenkirchen in der Wachau
Weißenohe Weißenohe
Weißensberg Weißensberg
Weißenstadt Weißenstadt
Weißenstein Weißenstein
Weißenthurm Weissenthurm
Weißeritzkreis Weißeritzkreis
Wejherowo Wejherowo
Wel Onda
welcome accogliere
Welcome Back My Friends to the Show That Never Ends Welcome Back My Friends
Welcome to Collinwood Welcome to Collinwood
Welcome To Dead House La casa della morte
Welcome to My Nightmare Welcome to My Nightmare
Welcome to Sarajevo Benvenuti a Sarajevo
Welcome to the Black Parade Welcome to the Black Parade
Welcome to the Dollhouse Fuga dalla scuola media
welcoming accogliente
weld saldare
weldable saldabile
Welded seam Saldatura
Welden Welden
welding saldare
Welf Este
welfare benessere
welfare state stato sociale
Welfare system Istituto Nazionale per la Previdenza Sociale
welfare work assistenza sociale
welfare worker assistente sociale
welfarism welfarismo
Welfesholz Welfesholz
well beh
well begun is half done chi ben comincia è a metà dell'opera
well behaved educato
well built benfatto
well deck pozzetto
well deserved benemerito
well done bravo
well fed ben nutrito
well I'll be damned ma va'
well known consaputo
well meant a fin di bene
well off benestante
well read erudito
well rounded liberale
well thought out ponderato
well tried esperimentato
well understood beninteso
well well così così
well, well bene, bene
well-advised saggio
well-arranged ordinato
well-balanced equilibrato
well-behaved beneducato
well-being benessere
well-bred educato
well-built ben piantato
well-chosen appropriato
well-connected che ha amici influenti
well-defined definito
well-disposed bendisposto
well-disposed towards ben disposto verso
well-done ben cotto
well-dressed azzimato
well-earned ben meritato
well-endowed superdotato
Well-formed formula Formula ben formata
well-founded valido
well-groomed azzimato
well-grounded fondato
well-informed ben informato
well-intentioned a fin di bene
well-known celebre
Well-known people Io
Well-known text Well-Known Text
well-loved benamato
well-made fatto
well-mannered elegante
well-meaning a fin di bene
well-meant a fin di bene
well-off ricco
Well-order Buon ordine
Well-ordering principle Principio del buon ordinamento
Well-ordering theorem Principio del buon ordinamento
well-preserved ben conservato
well-proportioned ben proporzionato
well-read letterato
well-seasoned saporito
well-spoken chiaro
Well-Tempered Clavier Il clavicembalo ben temperato
well-timed ben calcolato
well-to-do ricco
well-tried provato
well-wisher sostenitore
well-worn liso
Wella Wella
Wellen Wellen
Wellendingen Wellendingen
Wellerism wellerismo
Welles Hoyt William Welles Hoyt
wellfare benessere
Wellheim Wellheim
welling scaturente
Wellington stivali di gomma
Wellington boot stivali di gomma
Wellington Island Wellington
Wellington Region Wellington
wells pozzo
Wells Fargo Wells Fargo and Co
wels catfish siluro
Wels-Land Wels-Land
Welsberg-Taisten Monguelfo-Tesido
Welschenrohr Welschenrohr