English Italian
white bianco
white Anglo-Saxon Protestant WASP
white ant termite
white blood cell leucocita
white blood corpuscle leucocita
white bream scardova
white cabbage cavolo bianco
White Carpathians Carpazi Bianchi
white chocolate cioccolato bianco
White Christmas Bianco Natale
White Cloud Mountain minnow Cardinale
white coat camice
White Council Bianco Consiglio
White County Contea di White
White Croatia Croazia bianca
White Croats Croazia bianca
White cross Anfetamina
white currant ribes bianco
white daisy margherita
White death Carcharodon carcharias
White dwarf Nana bianca
White Fang Zanna Bianca
white flag bandiera bianca
white frost brina
white gold oro bianco
White grouse Lagopus lagopus
White Guard Armata Bianca
white haired canuto
white hot incandescente
White House Casa Bianca
White Knight Chronicles White Knight Story
White label White label
White Lake Lago Bianco
white lie bugia pietosa
White lion Panthera leo krugeri
white man bianco
white marriage matrimonio in bianco
white meat carne bianca
white metal metallo bianco
White Monuments of Vladimir and Suzdal Monumenti bianchi di Vladimir e Suzdal
White Mountains Ered Nimrais
White movement Armata Bianca
white mulberry gelso bianco
White Nights Le notti bianche
White Nile Nilo bianco
White of an egg Chiara
White Oleander White Oleander
White oxeye Leucanthemum vulgare
White people Caucasico
white pepper pepe bianco
White Plains White Plains
White pointer Carcharodon carcharias