English Italian
withstand use durare
withy vimine
Witiges Vitige
witness assistere a
Witness for the defence Testimonio a favore
witness for the defense teste a discarico
witness for the prosecution teste a carico
witness stand banco dei testimoni
witness to testimoniare di
Witnessed test Acquistar
witnesses testimoniare
witnessing testimoniante
Witold Gombrowicz Witold Gombrowicz
Witold Lutosławski Witold Lutosławski
WiTricity Witricity
wits giudizio
Witta of Büraburg Witta
witted sensato
Wittelsbach Wittelsbach
Wittelshofen Wittelshofen
Witten Witten
Wittenbach Wittenbach
Wittenberg Wittenberg
Wittenberge Wittenberge
Witteric Viterico
Witterswil Witterswil
Wittgenstein Wittgenstein
Wittibreut Wittibreut
witticism spiritosaggine
Wittighausen Wittighausen
wittily faceto
wittiness spiritosaggine
Wittinsburg Wittinsburg
Wittislingen Wittislingen
Wittiza Witiza
Wittlingen Wittlingen
wittol becco
witty fine
witty remark spiritosaggine
witty saying epigramma
Witzenhausen Witzenhausen
Witzmannsberg Witzmannsberg
wizard mago
Wizard and Glass La sfera del buio
Wizard of Wor Wizard of Wor
Wizarding world Mondo magico di Harry Potter
wizardry magia
Wizards of the Coast Wizards of the Coast
wizen avvizzito
wizened avvizzito
Wizz Air Wizz Air
WKB approximation Approssimazione WKB
Wladimir Köppen Vladimir Petrovič Köppen
Wladislaw II of Poland Vladislao di Boemia
Wmii Wmii
Wneg Weneg
woad guado
wobble traballare
wobbliness incertezza
wobbly malfermo