English Dutch
Charales Kranswieren
Charango Charango
Charax Spasinu Antiochië
Charburners Koolvis
Charcas Province Charcas
charcoal houtskool
Charcoal maker Koolvis
Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease Hereditaire Motorische en Sensorische Neuropathieën
chard snijbiet
Chardonnay Chardonnay
Chardonne Chardonne
Charente Charente
Charente River Charente
Charente-Maritime Charente-Maritime
Charenton-le-Pont Charenton-le-Pont
Chares of Athens Chares
charge zorg
charge account rekening
Charge air cooler Intercooler
charge for admission entree
Charge of the Light Brigade Charge van de Lichte Brigade
charge with beschuldigen van
chargeback terugvordering
charger laadapparaat
Chari Department Chari
Chari River Chari
Charibert I Charibert I
Charibert II Charibert II
Charilaos Pappas Charis Pappas
chariness voorzichtigheid
Charing Cross railway station Station London Charing Cross
Charing Cross tube station Charing Cross
chariot karretje
charioteer wagenmenner
Charioteer of Delphi Wagenmenner van Delphi
Chariots of Fire Chariots of Fire
charisma charisma
charismatic charismatisch
Charismatic authority Charismatisch gezag
Charismatic movement Charismatische beweging
charitable goed
Charitable organisation Goed doel
charitable organization liefdadigheidsinstelling
Charites Chariten
Chariton Chariton
charity liefdadigheid
charity fair bazaar
charivari ketelmuziek
charlatan bedrieger
Charlemagne Karel de Grote
Charleroi Charleroi
Charleroi Pre-metro Métro Léger de Charleroi
Charles Karel
Charles Albert of Sardinia Karel Albert van Sardinië
Charles Alexandre Lesueur Charles Alexandre Lesueur
Charles Augustin Sainte-Beuve Charles Augustin Sainte-Beuve