English Dutch
cloche glazen kap
clock klok
clock face wijzerplaat
clock tower klokketoren
clockface wijzerplaat
clockmaker klokkenmaker
clockwise met de klok mee
Clockwise and counterclockwise Wijzerzin
clockwork werk
Clockwork Orange A Clockwork Orange
clod bal
clodhopper boerenkinkel
Clodia Clodia
Clodia Pulchra Clodia
Clodio Chlodio
Clodius Gens Clodia
Clodius Albinus Clodius Albinus
Clodoald Chlodoald
Cloelia Cloelia
clog stoppen
clogged verstopt
clogging blokkeren
Cloisonnism Cloisonnisme
Cloisonné Email cloisonné
cloister klooster
Cloister vault Kruisgewelf
cloistered afgezonderd
Clonazepam Clonazepam
clone kloon
Clone Wars Kloonoorlogen
Cloning vector Array
Clonmel Clonmel
Clopidogrel Clopidogrel
Cloppenburg Cloppenburg
Clorazepate Clorazepaat
Clos Lucé Clos-Lucé
Clos Vougeot Clos de Vougeot
close afsluiten
Close acquaintance Stationwagen
close again weer sluiten
close attention aandacht
close down opdoeken
Close Encounters of the Third Kind Close Encounters of the Third Kind
close examination nauwkeurig onderzoek
close in insluiten
Close packing Hexagonale dichtste stapeling
Close reading Close reading
Close to Home Close to Home
close, but no cigar het is net niks
close-cropped gemillimeterd
close-cut gemillimeterd
close-fisted gierig
close-fitting nauwsluitend
close-grained fijngestructureerd
close-knit hecht
Close-packing Hexagonale dichtste stapeling
close-set dicht bij elkaar staand
close-shaven gladgeschoren
close-up close-up
closed dicht
Closed city Gesloten stad
Closed sea Binnenzee
Closed set Gesloten verzameling
Closed source Closed source
Closed source software Closed source
closed syllable gesloten lettergreep
closely nauwlettend
closely guarded secret streng bewaard geheim
closely resemble erg lijken op
closemouthed gesloten
closer nader
closest friend boezemvriend
closest to naast
closet bergruimte
closing sluiting
closing price slotkoers
closing time sluitingstijd
Clostridium tetani Clostridium tetani
clot idioot
Clotenus Clotenus
cloth laken
clothe kleden
clothes kleding
clothes for ironing strijkgoed
clothes hanger kleerhanger
clothes peg wasknijper
clothes shop boutique
clothes-brush kleerborstel
Clothes-hanger Klerenhanger
clothes-press kleerkast
clothesline drooglijn
clothespin wasknijper
Clothilde Marie von Sachsen-Coburg-Saalfeld Clotilde van Saksen-Coburg-Gotha
Clothilde of France Clothilde van Frankrijk
clothing kleding
Clothing Moth Kleermot
Clotho Clotho
Clotilde Clothildis
clotted geklonterd
clotting stollen
cloud bewolken
Cloud City Cloud City
Cloud forest Nevelwoud
cloud nine zevende hemel
cloud over bewolken
Cloud seeding Regen maken
Cloud Strife Cloud Strife