English Dutch
Hultsfred Festival Hultsfred Festival
Hultsfred Municipality Hultsfred
hum brommen
Humahuaca Humahuaca
human mens
Human anatomy Menselijke anatomie
Human Back Rug
Human Be-In Gathering of the Tribes
human being mens
human biology menskunde
Human brain Menselijke hersenen
Human development Levensfase
Human enhancement Menselijke verbeteringstechnologieën
Human Environment Animal Welfare Die Tierschutzpartei
Human evolution Evolutie van de mens
Human Genome Project Menselijk genoomproject
Human geography Culturele geografie
Human height Lichaamslengte
Human leukocyte antigen Humaan leukocytenantigeen
Human papillomavirus Humaan papillomavirus
human race menselijk ras
Human races Dierenras
Human resource management system Personeelsinformatiesysteem
Human resource management systems Personeelsinformatiesysteem
Human respiratory syncytial virus Respiratoir syncytieel virus
human rights rechten van de mens
Human Rights and Democracy Movement Human Rights and Democracy Movement
Human Rights Protection Party Human Rights Protection Party
Human Rights Watch Human Rights Watch
Human sacrifice Mensenoffer
Human thalamus Thalamus
Human Torch Human Torch
Human voice Menselijke stem
Human weight Weegschaal
Human-computer interaction Mens-computerinteractie
humane humaan
humanism humanisme
humanist humanist
Humanist Democratic Centre Centre démocrate Humaniste
humanistic humanistisch
Humanistic psychology Humanistische psychologie
humanitarian humanitair
Humanitarian intervention Humanitaire interventie
humanitarianism filantropie
humanity goedheid
humanize humaniseren
humankind mensheid
humanly disgraceful beestachtig
Humanum Genus Humanum Genus
Humanzee Kruising tussen mens en chimpansee
Humash Thora
Humayun Humayun
Humber Humber
Humber Armoured Car Mk I Humber
Humbert I of Savoy Humbert Withand
Humbert II of Savoy Humbert II van Savoye
Humbert III of Savoy Humbert III van Savoye
Humberto Moreira Valdés Humberto Moreira
Humberto Zurita Humberto Zurita
humble nederig
humblebee hommel
humbly nederig
Humboldt Humboldt
Humboldt County Humboldt County
Humboldt Penguin Humboldt-pinguïn
Humboldt University of Berlin Humboldt Universiteit Berlijn