English Dutch
Ibid Ibid
ibis ibis
Ibisbill Ibissnavel
Ibiza Ibiza
Ibiza Town Ibiza-stad
Ibizan Hound Podenco ibicenco
Iblis Shaitan
IBM AIX Advanced Interactive eXecutive
IBM Deep Blue Deep Blue
IBM Generalized Markup Language Generalized Markup Language
IBM Information Management System IMS
IBM Lotus Notes Lotus Notes
IBM Millipede Millipede
IBM Monochrome Display Adapter Monochrome Display Adapter
IBM Multicolor Graphics Adapter Multicolor Graphics Array
IBM PC compatible IBM PC-compatibel
IBM Personal Computer IBM Personal Computer
IBM Personal Computer XT IBM PC XT
IBM Rational Unified Process Rational Unified Process
IBM System i IBM System i
IBM System x IBM System x
IBM Systems Network Architecture SNA
IBM Tivoli Tivoli
IBM Tivoli Framework Tivoli
IBM WebSphere WebSphere
IBM WebSphere Application Server WebSphere Application Server
IBM WebSphere MQ WebSphere MQ
IBM WebSphere Portal Server WebSphere Portal Server
Ibn al-Haytham Ibn al-Haytham
Ibn Al-Khattab Ibn ul Chattab
Ibn Battuta Ibn Battuta
Ibn Khaldun Ibn Khaldun
Ibn Saud of Saudi Arabia Abdoel Aziz al Saoed
Ibn Taymiyyah Ahmad ibn Tajmijja
Ibn Tumart Ibn Toemart
Ibn Yunus Ibn Yunus
Iboga Ibogaïne
Ibogaine Ibogaïne
IBook Apple iBook
Ibrahim Soera Abraham
Ibrahim al-Jaafari Ibrahim Jaafari
Ibrahim Gambari Ibrahim Gambari
Ibrahim I Ibrahim I
Ibrahim ibn al-Walid Ibrahim I
İbrahim Kutluay Ibrahim Kutluay
Ibrahim Pasha of Egypt Ibrahim Pasja
Ibrahim Rugova Ibrahim Rugova
Ibrox Stadium Ibrox Stadium
Ibycus Ibycus
Ica Ica
Ica Province Ica
Ica Region Ica
ICANN Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers
ICAO airport code ICAO codes
Icaria Ikaria
Icarus Icarus
ICBM Intercontinentale ballistische raket
ICC Profile ICC profiel
Iccho Itoh Itcho Ito
ICD International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems
ice ijsje
ice age ijstijd
Ice bridge IJsthee
ice cap ijskap
Ice cave IJskelder
Ice climbing IJsklimmen
ice cream ijsje
Ice cream van IJsco-kar
ice cube ijsblokje
Ice dwarf IJsdwerg
ice hockey ijshockey
Ice hockey at the Olympic Games IJshockey op de Olympische Winterspelen
Ice Hockey World Championships Wereldkampioenschap ijshockey
Ice Hockey World Junior Championships Wereldkampioenschap ijshockey
Ice resurfacer Zamboni
ice rink ijsbaan
Ice road Winterweg
Ice sculpture IJssculptuur
ice sheet ijskap
ice skate schaats
Ice T Ice-T
ice water ijswater
ice-cold ijskoud
Ice-compartment Frieza
ice-cream bar ijs
ice-cream cone ijshoorntje
ice-cream parlor ijssalon
ice-cream shop ijssalon
ice-cream soda sodasorbet
ice-skate schaatsen
iceberg ijsberg
iceberg lettuce ijsbergsla
icebound ingevroren
icebox koelbox
Icebreaker Yermak Jermak
icecream ijsje
iced ijskoud
Iced Earth Iced Earth
Icehockey IJshockey
Iceland IJsland
Iceland Gull Kleine burgemeester
Iceland in the Eurovision Song Contest IJsland en het Eurovisie Songfestival
Iceland national football team IJslands voetbalelftal
Iceland poppy Papaver nudicaule
Icelandair Icelandair
Icelander IJslands
Icelandese IJslands
Icelandic IJslands
Icelandic car number plates Slowaaks kenteken
Icelandic horse IJslander
Icelandic króna IJslandse kroon
Icelandic language IJslands
Icelandic Language Day Dag van de IJslandse taal
Icelandic name IJslandse namen
Icelandic Parliament Alþing
Icelandic Sheepdog IJslandse hond
Iceni Iceni