English Dutch
Programming paradigm Programmeerparadigma
Programming style Programmeerstijl
Progreso Yucatán Progreso
progress vordering
Progress Party Vooruitgangspartij van Noorwegen
Progress Software Progress Software
Progress spacecraft Progress
Progress tax Progressieve inkomstenbelasting
progressed geavanceerd
progressing vorderend
progression vooruitgang
progressive geleidelijk
Progressive Conservative Party of Canada Progressief-Conservatieve Partij van Canada
Progressive electronic music Progressive house
Progressive Judaism Liberaal jodendom
Progressive metal Progressieve metal
Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy Progressieve multifocale leukoencefalopathie
Progressive Party Progressieve Partij
Progressive Party of Working People AKEL
Progressive rock Progressieve rock
Progressive scan Progressive scan
Progressive Socialist Party Progressieve Socialistische Partij
Progressive supranuclear palsy Progressive Supranuclear Palsy
progressively geleidelijk
progressiveness progressiviteit
prohibit ontzeggen
prohibited verboden
prohibition ban
Prohibition in the United States Drooglegging
Prohibition of alcohol Drooglegging
prohibitionist prohibitionist
prohibitive belemmerend
prohibitory belemmerend
Prohn Prohn
project afschieten
Project Constellation Project Constellation
Project Daedalus Project Daedalus
Project for the New American Century Project for the New American Century