Search term merely has 7 results
EN English NL Dutch
merely (o) [only] maar (o) [only]
merely (o) [modifier] slechts (o) [modifier]
merely (o) [only] slechts (o) [only]
merely (o) [modifier] nauwelijks (o) [modifier]
merely (o) [modifier] amper (o) [modifier]
EN English NL Dutch
merely (o) [modifier] ternauwernood (o) [modifier]
merely (o) [only] alleen maar (o) [only]
EN Synonyms for merely NL Translations
barely [quantity] unverhüllt
nearly [quantity] ziemlich
scarcely [quantity] knapp
perceptibly [quantity] (formal wahrnehmbar
hardly [quantity] schlecht
infrequently [hardly] selten
rarely [hardly] nicht oft
just [part of speech] nun
purely [part of speech] bloß
but [part of speech] hingegen
totally [part of speech] völlig, (adv.)
utterly [part of speech] vollends
simply [part of speech] schlicht
plainly [part of speech] direkt
only [part of speech] noch