English Portuguese
Bilimbi Averrhoa bilimbi
bilin bilina
bilingual bilíngüe
bilingualism bilinguismo
bilious bilioso
biliousness estado bilioso
Bilisht Bilisht
bilk out of roubar
bill anúncio
Bill and Tom Kaulitz Tokio Hotel
Bill Black Bill Black
Bill Bruford Bill Bruford
Bill Callahan Bill Callahan
Bill Clinton Bill Clinton
Bill Evans Bill Evans
Bill Gates Bill Gates
Bill Goldberg Bill Goldberg
Bill Mumy Billy Mumy
Bill Murray Bill Murray
Bill of attainder Bill of attainder
bill of exchange letra de câmbio
bill of fare cardápio
bill of health atestado de sanidade física
bill of lading conhecimento de embarque
Bill of material Código Internacional de Nomenclatura de Bactérias
bill of sale escritura de venda
bill of saleo direct contrato de venda
Bill Paxton Bill Paxton
Bill Pullman Bill Pullman
Bill Russell Bill Russell
Bill Tilden William Tilden
Bill Ward Bill Ward
Bill Watterson Bill Watterson
Billbergia Billbergia
billboard painel de propaganda
Billboard Music Award Billboard Music Awards
Billens-Hennens Billens-Hennens
billeting acantonamento
billetother aboletamento
billfold carteira
billhook podadeira
billiards bilhar
Billie Holiday Billie Holiday
Billie Joe Armstrong Billie Joe Armstrong
Billigheim Billigheim
billight projeto de leie
billing afixação de cartazes
billinganty town faturamento
billion bilhão
billionaire bilionário
Billionaire lists Lista das pessoas mais ricas do mundo
billions bilhão (EUA)teria
billionth bilhonésimo
billiony trilhão (GB)
billow vaga
billowy batido
billowye ondulante
Billund Billund
Billund Airport Billund
billy borracha
Billy Bob Thornton Billy Bob Thornton
Billy Boyd Billy Boyd
Billy Bragg William Henry Bragg
Billy Campbell Billy Campbell
Billy cart (AUS) carrinho de rolimã
billy club borracha
Billy Coen Billy Coen
Billy Elliot Billy Elliot
billy goat bode
Billy Idol Billy Idol
Billy Joel Billy Joel
Billy Preston Billy Preston
Billy Sheehan Billy Sheehan
Billy the Kid Billy the Kid
Billy Wilder Billy Wilder