English Portuguese
Busto Arsizio Busto Arsizio
busttey fracasso (gíria)
busty peituda
buswoman motorista de ônibus
busy ocupado
busy bee personnel pessoa vivaz
busybody intrometido
busyhrough atarefado
busyness atividade
but mas
but on the other hand mas ao mesmo tempo
but then mas ao mesmo tempo
but then again mas ao mesmo tempo
butal cord masla
Butan Butão
butane butano
butane fuel butano
butane gas butano
butaneemp butano
butanone butanona
Butare Butare
Butare Province Butare
butch masculino
Butch Cassidy Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid
Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid
butchee fanchonao
butcher assassino
butcher's açougue
butcher's shop açougue
butchernder remendão
butcherve açougueiro
butchery matança
Butha-Buthe District Butha-Buthe
Buthrotum Butrint
Butia Butiá
butler mordomo
Butler County Condado de Butler
Butlerian Jihad Jihad Butleriano
butlermitation copeiro
Butomaceae Butomaceae
butt alvo
butt crack cofrinho
butt in intrometer-se
butte planalto
Butte County Condado de Butte
Buttenheim Buttenheim
butter manteiga
butter dish mantegueira
butter roll biscoito amanteigado
butter up adular
buttercup ranúnculo
buttere manteiga
butterfingered atrapalhado
butterfingers mão-furada
Butterflies Are Free Butterflies Are Free
butterfly borboleta
Butterfly bush Buddleja
Butterfly effect Efeito borboleta
butterfly net puçá
Butterfly orchid Platanthera
butterfly stroke golfinho
buttermilk leitelho
Butters Stotch Butters Stotch
butterscotch caramelo de manteiga
Butterworth filter Filtro Butterworth
Buttisholz Buttisholz
buttock traseiro
buttocks traseiro
button botão
Button cactus Epithelantha
button mushroom champignon
button-cell battery pilhas de mercúrio
buttonhole casa de botão
buttonold botãochifre em
buttple porémro(a)
buttress esteio
buttressn contrafortee
Buttwil Buttwil
Butty Sanduíche
Butylated hydroxyanisole BHA
Butylated hydroxytoluene BHT
Buxales Buxales
Buxbaumia Buxhaumia
Buxheim Buxheim