English Portuguese
foul-mouthed desbocado
foul-up bagunça
fouling growth incrustação biológica
found basear
Found art Ready made
foundation base
Foundation and Earth Foundation and Earth
Foundation and Empire Foundation and Empire
Foundation series Foundation
foundationalism fundacionalismo
foundationalismral fundacionalismo
foundationalist fundacionista
foundations alicerce
Foundations of mathematics Fundações da matemática
foundationt modelador(cinta)
founded fundado
founder fundador
Founder effect Efeito fundador
founding fundação
Founding of Rome Fundação de Roma
Foundiougne Foundiougne
foundling abandonado
foundry fundição
Founex Founex
fount fonte
fountain fonte
Fountain of Youth Fonte da juventude
fountain pen caneta
Fountains in Rome Lista de fontes de Roma
Fountains of Wayne Fountains of Wayne
fountainy fonteesa
four quatro
Four Asian Tigers Tigres asiáticos
Four bar linkage Mecanismo de quatro barras
Four bombs rock London Londres é vítima de ataque terrorista
Four color theorem Teorema das quatro cores
Four Corners Four Corners
Four Corners Monument Four Corners
Four fours Os quatro quatros
Four Hitokiri of the Bakumatsu Hitokiri
Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse quatro Cavaleiros do Apocalipse
Four humours Teoria humoral
four hundred quatrocentos
Four Knights Game Abertura dos Quatro Cavalos
Four Noble Truths Quatro Nobres Verdades
four o'clock quatro horas
four of a kind quadra
Four on the Floor Four on the Floor
Four Rooms Four Rooms
Four Seasons Le quattro stagioni
Four sons of Horus Filhos de Hórus
four stroke engine motores a quatro tempos
Four Temperaments Teoria humoral
four thousand quatro
four times as much quádruplo
Four-character idiom Provérbios chineses
Four-color process CMYK
four-cornered quadrangular
four-dimensional quadridimensional
four-engined quadrimotor
Four-eyed fish Anablepidae
four-eyes quatro olhos
four-footed quadrúpede
four-in-hand carruagem puxada a quatro cavalos
Four-in-hand knot Nó americano
four-lane highway auto-estrada de quatro pistas
four-leaf clover trevo de quatro folhas
four-legged quadrúpede
four-o-four (slang) objeto esquecido (gíria)
four-poster cama de quatro colunas
four-poster bed cama de quatro colunas
four-speed gear câmbio de quatro velocidades
four-stroke engine motor a quatro tempos
Four-toed salamander Hemidactylium
four-wheel de quatro rodas
four-wheel drive tração nas quatro rodas