English Portuguese
Hattori Hanzō Hattori Hanzo
Hattrick Hattrick
Hattusa Hattusa
Hattusili III Hatusil III
Hau Giang Province Hau Giang
Hauenstein-Ifenthal Hauenstein-Ifenthal
Haugesund Haugesund
Haugh unit Unidade Haugh
haughtiness presunção
haughty convencido
haul arrastar
haul down abaixar
haul in recolher
haul up içar
haulage transporte
Haulage depot Estação rodoviária
hauler motorista de caminhão
haulfulive quantidade apreendida caixote
hauling transporte
haulingseon transporte por caminhão
haunch anca
haunt assombrar
haunted mal-assombrado
haunted house casa mal-assombrada
haunting obsessivo
Haunting Ground Daniella
Hauptschule Hauptschule
Hauptwil-Gottshaus Hauptwil-Gottshaus
Haus im Ennstal House
Hausa Hauçá
Hausa language Língua Hausa
Hausa people Hauçás
Hausach Hausach
Hausdorff dimension Dimensão de Hausdorff
Hausdorff space Espaço de Hausdorff
Hausen am Albis Hausen am Albis
Hausen am Tann Hausen am Tann
Hausen bei Brugg Hausen
Hausen im Wiesental Hausen
Hausen ob Verena Hausen ob Verena
Hausham Hausham
Haut-Intyamon Haut-Intyamon
Haut-Ogooué Haut-Ogooué
Haut-Rhin Alto Reno
haute couture alta costura
Haute-Corse Alta Córsega
Haute-Garonne Alta Garona
Haute-Loire Haute-Loire
Haute-Marne Haute-Marne
Haute-Normandie Alta-Normandia
Haute-Savoie Alta Sabóia
Haute-Saône Haute-Saône
Haute-Vienne Haute-Vienne
Hautecombe Abbey Alta Cumba
Hauterive Hauterive
Hauterivian Hauteriviano
Hautes-Alpes Altos-Alpes
Hautes-Pyrenées Altos Pirineus
Hautes-Pyrénées Altos Pirineus
Hauteville Hauteville
Hauteville family Hauteville
Hauts-Bassins Region Região Hauts-Bassins
Hauts-de-Seine Altos do Sena
Hava Nagila Hava Nagila
Havana Havana
Havana Film Festival Festival de Havana
Havana Province Província de La Habana
Havanese Bichon Havanês
have receber
have a baby dar a luz
have a bath banhar-se
have a cold ter um resfriado
have a conversation conversar
have a crush on ser louco por
have a date with ter um encontro com
have a go tentar
have a good cry chorar todas as mágoas
have a good time divertir-se
have a high opinion of admirar
have a keen mind ter uma mente perspicaz
have a limp mancar
have a lucky streak estar numa onda de sorte
have a meeting reunir-se
have a nasty smell feder
Have a nice day Have a Nice Day
have a nice meal bom proveito
have a premonition pressentir
have a relapse ter uma recaída
have a shower tomar um chuveiro
have a smack of sugerir
have a terrible fright estar morrendo de medo
have a thick skin ser duro
have a vague feeling that ter uma vaga idéia de
have a vague idea that ter uma vaga idéia de
have a wash lavar-se
have a way with ter jeito com
have all the luck ter muita sorte
have an accident sofrer um acidente
have an affair ter um caso amoroso
have at one's disposal ter à disposição de alguém
have bad luck estar com azar
have bedsores ter escaras de decúbito
have breakfast tomar café da manhã
have contact with manter contato com
have control over dominar
Have daydreams Os Sonhadores
have dinner jantar
have done wrong errar
Have dreams Os Sonhadores
have enough estar farto
have enough of estar de saco cheio de
have enough of it estar farto de
have everything going for oneself estar numa onda de sorte
have faith in crer em
have fun divertir-se
have got haver
Have Gun — Will Travel Paladino do Oeste
have hallucinations alucinar
have in mind ter em mente
have it one's own way conseguir as coisas ao ... modo
have it one's way conseguir as coisas ao ... modo
have keen intelligence ter uma mente perspicaz
have labor pains estar em trabalho de parto
have left ter de sobra
have left over ter de sobra
have lost perder
have lunch almoçar
have not quite got used to the idea não estar bem acostumado à idéia
have nothing to do não ter o que fazer
have on usar
have one's eyes on ficar de olho em
have one's way conseguir as coisas ao ... modo
have second thoughts pensar bem
have some more repetir
have space for ter espaço para
have supper jantar
have the benefit of possuir
have the forethought to ter a precaução de
have the intention of querer