English Portuguese
John Tyler John Tyler
John Tyndall John Tyndall
John Updike John Updike
John V João V
John V of Portugal João V de Portugal
John V Palaeologus Papa João IV
John V Palaiologos Papa João V
John Vanbrugh John Vanbrugh
John Varley John Varley
John Venn John Venn
John VI João VI
John VI Kantakouzenos João VI Cantacuzeno
John VI of Portugal João VI de Portugal
John VII João VII
John VII Palaiologos João VII Paleólogo
John VIII Palaiologos João VIII Paleólogo
John Vincent Atanasoff John Atanasoff
John von Neumann John von Neumann
John Wallis John Wallis
John Wayne John Wayne
John Wayne Gacy John Wayne Gacy
John Webster John Webster
John Wesley John Wesley
John Wetton John Wetton
John Wilkes Booth John Wilkes Booth
John William Waterhouse John William Waterhouse
John Williams John Williams
John Woo John Woo
John Wycliffe John Wycliffe
John Young John Young
John Zorn John Zorn
Johnny Borracha
Johnny Bravo Johnny Bravo
Johnny Cash Johnny Cash
Johnny Depp Johnny Depp
Johnny Guitar Johnny Guitar
Johnny Hallyday Johnny Hallyday
Johnny Hayes Johnny Hayes
Johnny Herbert Johnny Herbert
Johnny Herrera Johnny Cristian Herrera Muñoz
Johnny Logan Johnny Logan
Johnny Marr John Martin Maher
Johnny Thunders Johnny Thunders
Johnny Warren John Warren
Johnny Weissmuller Johnny Weissmuller
Johnny-come-lately Newbie
Johns Hopkins Johns Hopkins
Johns Hopkins Hospital Johns Hopkins Hospital
Johns Hopkins University Universidade Johns Hopkins
Johnson Johnson
Johnson County Condado de Johnson
Johnson solid Sólidos de Johnson
Johnston Ilhas Menores Distantes dos Estados Unidos
Johnston Atoll Atol de Johnston
Johnston County Condado de Johnston
Johnstown Jonestown
Joigny Joigny
join incluir
join in a conversation tomar parte de uma conversa
join up associar-se
join without being invited penetrar
Joinder União
joined anexoiã
joiner carpinteiro
joinery carpintaria
joining conectivo
joint comum
joint account conta conjunta
joint and severallynsemble conjunta e solidariamente
Joint application development Joint application development
Joint Aviation Authorities Joint Aviation Authorities
Joint capsule Cápsula articular
joint debtor devedor comum
Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification Declaração Conjunta Sobre a Doutrina da Justificação
joint implementation implementação comum
Joint lock Alavanca
Joint Photographic Expert Gro JPEG
Joint Photographic Experts Gr JPEG
Joint Photographic Experts Group Joint Photographic Experts Group
joint stock capital social (empresa)
Joint Stock Company sociedade anônima por ações
joint venture empreendimento conjunto
joint ventureion sociedade conjuntal fechado
Joint Whole Life Insurance Seguro de Vida em Comum
Joint-stock-company Empresa de capital aberto
jointeadical baseado
jointed articulado
jointle botecom
jointple junta