English Portuguese
shirker malandro
Shirley Bassey Shirley Bassey
Shirley MacLaine Shirley MacLaine
Shirley Temple Shirley Temple
Shirley Temple cocktail Shirley Temple
shirr franzir
shirt blusa
shirt (men) camisaa
shirtgood night blusaite
shirting tecido para camisas
Shisa Shisa
Shiseido Shiseido
Shiselweni Shishelweni
shish kabob no espeto
shish kebab no espeto
Shishapangma Shishapangma
Shishio Makoto Makoto Shishio
shit merda
shit out of luck totalmente
Shit outta luck Fertilizante
shit rotter (person) merdahar
shit-for-brains sem
shits (AUS) diarréias
shits (AUS)or pavio curto (pessoa)
shitty merdoso
Shitō-ryū Shitoryu
Shiva Shiva
Shiva and So Shiva (deus hindu)
Shivaple período de luto no judaísmo
shiver sacudir
shivering estremecido
shivering sensation calafrio
shivery trêmulo
Shizuka Arakawa Shizuka Arakawa
Shizuoka Shizuoka
Shizuoka Prefecture Shizuoka
Shizuoka Stadium Estádio Shizuoka Ecopa
Shkhara Chkhara
Shkodër Shkodër
Shkodër County Shkodër
Shkodër District Shkodër
Shmoo The New Shmoo
Shmuel Eisenstadt Shmuel Eisenstadt
Shmuel Yerushalmi Shmuel Yerushalmi
Shmuel Yosef Agnon Shmuel Yosef Agnon
Shneur Zalman of Liadi Shneur Zalman de Liadi
shoal cardume
shoal of fish freight cardume
shoals baixo
shock chocar
shock absorber amortecedor
shock therapy tratamento de choque
shock treatment tratamento de choque
Shock Value Timbaland Presents Shock Value
shock wave repercussão
shock-absorber choc-absorvente
shocked transtornado
shocking horrível