English Portuguese
Skinheads Against Racial Prejudice Skinheads Against Racial Prejudice
skinny macilento
skinte esquiito
skintight justo
skip pular
Skip list Skiplist
skip rope pular corda
skip school gazetear
skip through fazer às pressas
skipper capitão
skipping rope exercício de pular corda
Skiptvet Skiptvet
skirl guincho
skirmish conflito
skirt ab-rogar
skirting board rodapé
skirtle saia
skirtry fralda (camisa)
skit sátira
skitter correr
skittish volúvel
skittle pino
skittles fito
Skive municipality Skive
Skjern Skjern
Skjervøy Skjervøy
Skjåk Skjåk
Skodje Skodje
Skolelinux Skolelinux
Skolem normal form Skolemização
Skoll Skoll
Skonto FC Skonto FC
Skopje Skopje
Skorenovac Giurgiu
Skovbo municipality Skovbo
Skrapar District Skrapar
Skræling Skræling
skua moleiro
Skuld Skuld
skulduggery malandragem
skulk esconder-se
skull crânio
Skull and Bones Skull and Bones
skull cap calota craniana
skullcap gorro
skullduggery malandragem
skullple crânio
skunk gambá
Skunk ape Skunk Ape
Skurup Municipality Skurup
sky céu
sky blue azul-celeste
Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow
SKY Latin America SKY
Sky Tate Sky Tate
Sky Tower Sky Tower
sky-blue azul celeste
sky-high astronômico
skydive saltar em queda livre
Skye Ilha de Skye
SkyEurope SkyEurope Airlines
skyjack seqüestrar avião
skyjacker seqüestrador de avião
skyjacking seqüestro de avião
Skylab Skylab
skylark cotovia
skylight claraboía
skylightne clarabóia
skylightserfdom escotilha (de vidro)
skyline horizonte
skylinene linha do horizonte
skyrmion skyrmion
skyrocket decolar
Skyros Skíros
skyscraper arranha-céu
SkyTeam Skyteam
Skálholt Skálholt
Skåne Skåne
Skåne County Skåne
Skånland Skånland
Skælskør municipality Skælskør
Skærbæk Skærbæk
Skævinge Skævinge
Skíðblaðnir Skiðblaðnir
Skørping Skørping
SL Benfica Sport Lisboa e Benfica
slab laje
slack enrolar
slack lank frouxidãonde
slacken reduzir
slacken off diminuir
slacken speed reduzir
slacker molenga
slackle queda de performance
slackness moleza
slacks calça
Slackware Slackware Linux
slag escória
Slagelse municipality Slagelse
slake matar
slalom slalom