English Portuguese
stronghold fortaleza
Strongness Amido
strongroom caixa-forte
Strongyloidiasis Estronguiloidíase
strontium estrôncio
Strontium chloride Cloreto de estrôncio
strontiumhundering estrôncio (Sr)
strop amolar no couro
strophe estrofe
stropheing estrofe
Strophic form Chorus
Strophius Estrófio
Stropkov Stropkov
Stropkov District Stropkov
Stroszek Stroszek
Strozzi Strozzi
structural estrutural
Structural load Carga estructural
Structural stability Estabilidade estrutural
Structuralism Estruturalismo
structure extraviar-se
Structure of the Earth Estrutura interna da Terra
structured estruturado
Structured Analysis and Design Technique Structured Analysis and Design Technique
Structured Systems Analysis and Design Method SSADM
strudel strudel
Struer Struer
struggle esforçar-se
struggle against combater
struggle for lutar para conseguir
struggle to avoid resistir
struggle with atormentar-se com
Strullendorf Strullendorf
strum arranhar
Struma River Rio Struma
strumpet puta
strut viga
Struthionidae Struthioniformes
Struthioniformes Struthioniformes
Struve Geodetic Arc Arco Geodésico de Struve
strychnine estricnina
strychnineddering estricnina
Stryker Kurtis Stryker
Stryn Stryn
Stryria Estíria
Strängnäs Strängnäs
Strängnäs Municipality Strängnäs
Strömsholm Palace Palácio de Strömsholm
Strömsund Strömsund
Strömsund Municipality Strömsund
STS Mir Mir
Stuart Casa de Stuart
Stuart Roosa Stuart Roosa
Stuart Sutcliffe Stuart Sutcliffe
Stuart Townsend Stuart Townsend
stub topo
stub out apagar
stubater canhoto (talão)
Stubbekøbing Stubbekøbing
stubble restolhal
stubble field restolhal
stubbleion restevação
stubblelette palhada
stubbles restolhal
stubblesleazyestiny soqueiraamente
stubbly hirsuto