English Portuguese
Territorial Prelate Prelazia
Territorial water Mar territorial
territory terreno
Territory of the French Southern and Antarctic Lands Terras Austrais e Antárticas Francesas
Territory of the Wallis and Futuna Islands Wallis e Futuna
Terroir Terroir
terror terror
terror-stricken aterrorizado
terrorism terrorismo
terrorist terrorista
terrorize aterrorizar
terrorst terrorsta
Terry Balsamo Terry Balsamo
terry cloth toalha
Terry Fox Terry Fox
Terry Gilliam Terry Gilliam
Terry Jones Terry Jones
Terry Pratchett Terry Pratchett
Terschelling Terschelling
terse sumário
terse up resumido
terseness secura
terseorate direct direto ao ponto
tertian fever maleita
Tertiary Terciário
Tertiary color Cor terciária
tertiary sector sector terciário
Tertiary sector of economic activity Setor terciário
Tertiary sector of industry Setor terciário
Tertulia Stammtisch
Tertullian Tertuliano
Teruel Teruel
Teruo Hayashi Teruo Hayashi
Tervuren Tervuren
TESL ensino
Tesla Tesla
Tesla coil Bobina de Tesla
Tesla Motors Tesla Motors
Tesla Roadster Tesla Roadster
tessellated em mosaico
Tessin Rio Tessino
test testar
Test Act Ato de Prova
Test for Echo Test For Echo
test out testar
test tube proveta
test tubething tubo de ensaio
Test-driven development Test Driven Development
test-tube baby bebê de proveta
testable testável
testament testamento
Testament of Solomon Testamento de Salomão
testamentary testamentário
Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs Testamento dos Doze Patriarcas
testator testador
testatrix testadora
testee cobaia
Testical cancer Câncer testicular
testicle testículo