English Portuguese
think of lembrar
think out refletir
think over pesar
Think tank Think tank
think the world of admirar
think through refletir
think twice pensar duas vezes
think twice about it pensar melhor sobre
think up armar
think well of aprovar
thinkable concebível
thinker intelectual
thinking pensar
Thinking machine Computador
thinking of you pensando em vocêa
thinner menos denso
thinng suitather magroi
thinning diluição
thinsomay fino comercial
Thiokol AtK Thiokol
Thiol Tiol
Thiomersal Merthiolate
third terceiro
Third Age Terceira Era
Third Battle of Kharkov Operação Barbarossa
Third Council of Toledo Terceiro Concílio de Toledo
Third Crusade Terceira Cruzada
Third dynasty of Egypt III dinastia egípcia
Third Epistle of John Terceira Epístola de João
Third Girl Third Girl
third grade terceira série
Third Intermediate Period of Egypt Terceiro Período Intermediário
Third Italian War of Independence Guerra Austro-prussiana
third party terceira parte
third person terceira pessoa
Third Punic War Terceira guerra púnica
Third Reich Terceiro Reich
Third Republic Terceira República Francesa
Third Servile War Espártaco
third shift premium adicional noturno
third stomach terceiro estômago
third time's a charm às três é de vez
Third Watch Third Watch
Third Way Terceira via
Third World terceiro mundo
third-class de terceira categoria
third-degree de terceiro grau
third-degree burn queimadura de terceiro grau
Third-generation programming language Linguagem de programação de terceira geração
Third-person shooter Tiro em terceira pessoa
third-rate barato
thirdad terceiro(a)
thirdly terceiramente
thirst sede