English Portuguese
to keen lamentar(-se)
to keep manter
to keep a low profileer não chamar atençãooutrem
to keep a low profilegment ficar quieto
to keep decorum guardar as conveniências
to keep in mind ter em menteva
to keep the books fazer a escritae passageiros
to keep the change ficar com o trocoo (gíria)
to keep track of-up ficar de olho emio (gíria)
to keep up with prolongar
to keep up withk manter (padrão)ciasmento)
to key nomear
to keys off sketch riscar (carro)
to kick queixar-se
to kick back relaxar
to kid enganar
to kide fazer de bobo (EUA)
to kidnap raptarr
to kill matara
to kindle avivar
to kiss(slang)de beijarapaixonadamente
to kisse oscular
to kneel ajoelhara
to knifebe esfaquear
to knitarriage enlaçar
to knittrefoil tricotarional
to knock baterela
to knock about vagabundear
to knock back (slang) consumir (rapidamente)
to knock back (slang)course rejeitar (cantada)
to knock down derrubarto
to knock out nocautear
to knock up engravidar
to know sabe-tudo
to know know conhecer
to knuckleosture atirar bola de gude
to kowtowtor prostrar-sepetência
to labour trabalhar
to lack lack freight carecer
to lacquer laquear
to lag retardar
to lambast descompora
to lamentback recriminarredondar
to land descarregar
to languish esvair-seento
to languishm padecer
to languishpenlight languescer bolso
to lapse regredir
to lasso laçara
to last durart
to laughh rira
to launch lançar
to launch intod lançar-se em
to launch intog começar (algo)
to launchret desfecharro
to lay colocar
To lay bricks Mauern
to lay down instituir
to lead guiarnte
to leade liderar
to lean apoiar
to lean against encostar-se em
to lean againstment apoiar-se contra
to lean ondorsement apoiar-se em
to leanip encostar(-se)
to leap saltar
to learn aprenderamente
to leave partir
to leave behind deixar para trás
to leave out omitira
to leaven fermentar
to led by the nose engambelar
to legitimate legitimar
to lendinding emprestarão
to let deixar
to let in deixar entrar
to let off eximircia
to let one´s hair down (slang) soltar a franga
to level nivelar
to lever arrombar
to leveragebook alavancar
to levy cobrar impostos
to levylace coletar
to libel caluniar
to liberate emancipar
to license empirismo
to lickkp lamber
to lie repousar
to lie downo begin again reclinar-seedondar
to liey mentiro
to lift saldar
to lift (up) elevar
to light clarear
to light to find acender
to like parecer
to limit limitar
to line alinharnto
to lineeview revestirto
to linger demorare
to link encadearção
to linkm articular
to liquefye liquefazerdor
to liquidate liquidarcador
to liquidatesalt cellar saldar (dívida)
to list inclinaria
to list cataplasm catalogar
To listen in to Eavesdropping
to litter espalhar
to live on borrowed time estar no lucro
to live out aproveitar a vida
to live outtoil trabalhar fora
to load carregar
to loadble municiar
to lobbyt fazer lobbyolta
to locateck wrist-watch relocare
to locateteboard situar (astronomia)
to lock fechar
to lockty trancaridade
to lodge morarria
to lodge a complaint dar queixanca
to lodgeany acomodarrque acontecer
to lodgeeedy apresentar (queixa)
to loll estender-se
to loll about ficar à toaberto
to lollt espreguiçar-se
to long desejar
to long a willy (AUS) ter saudade de raiva
to long for querer
to look olhari
to look after cuidar decães (ou cavalos)
to look ater tomar como exemplo
to look for buscar
to look forward to aguardar pornuto
to look somebody squarely in the eyes encarar
to loom business assomarçãoeito
to loomagile agigantar-se
to loop enrolar
to loopment enrolado (gíria)
to looption prender com ilhó
to loose aliviar
to loosee desprenderdo
to lop apararr
to lordlize tornar senhorsta
to lose perderar tempo
to love adorar
to lower reduzir
to lumber cortar madeirade
to lunge guinar (veículo)
to lure iludirçãoprofusa
to lurk emboscar