English Portuguese
to that place
to the amount of ao montante de
to the brink of às margens de
To the detriment of Em detrimento de
to the inside para dentro
to the left à esquerda
to the letter ao pé da letra
to the other side através
to the power of elevado a
to the rear à popa
to the right à direita
to the side ao lado
to the victor go the spoils ao vencedor, os despojos
to think pensar
to this day até agora
to threaten ameaçarar
to thrill emocionarra
to throb pulsantede (EUA)
to throw lançar
to throw away jogar conversa fora
to throw backo bin off (GB) jogar de voltate
To throw dice Dados
to throw in interporaçãol
to throw in the towel admitir a derrota
to throw in the towel throw in collection jogar a toalhaoroa
to throw inag acrescentar de graça
to throw together misturado
to thrust arremessar
to thunder bramir
to thunderarb rugirbodo
to thunderhange troar
to thunderhing trovejar
to tidy arrumar
to tidyil pôr em ordemo
to tie amarrar
to tieg or becoming equal empanareira
to tilt oscilar
to time date marcar o tempo
to timeion aprazarlente
to tincture instilarão
to tincture paint tingirentil
To tint Cor
To tipple Bebida
to tire enfadar
to toast brindaro
to toastole tostarade
to toe the line cumprir o estipulado
to toe the linewnstairs andar na linhate
to toillabour trabalhar durocesso
to tolle dobrar (sino)
to tollplete repicar
to tone colorir
to tonesme tonificar
to tonewood matizarlínico
to toot tocar buzinachamando alguém
to topdress estercar
to topdressflail espalhar fertilizante
to toprath ir alémenó
to toss lançar
to total totalizar
to tote labutar
to touch comoverroe
to touch down aterrisar
to touch upo take back retocar
to touchp apalpar
to tourneyst competir (em torneio)
to tout gabar-se(ministério)
to toutent book agenciar
to tow rebocadorrredondar
to trace marcarà ferro
to tracemistrust descobrir fonte
to track acompanharque acontecer
to trackad seguir a pista de
to trade negociarm outro
to trade commerce comerciar
to trade´s bestto have a leak fazer negócioel
to traduce caluniar
to train ensinar
to trainerwards apontar (arma etc)
to trainriage treinar
to tranquilize acalmar(-se)
to tranquilizeon tranqüilizar(-se)
to transcribe transcrever
to transfer transferir
to transform transformar
to translate traduzirar
to transmit transmissível
to transplant transplantar
to transpose transpore
to transposerry transportar (tonalidade)
to trap prender em armadilha
to trapernalle imobilizar(peça de xadrez)
To trasure Pilha
to travail labutar
to travel percorrer tempo
to traverse cobrir
to travesty parodiar diversões
to trawl pescar com arrastão
to tread caminhar
to treat lidari
to treatlightful deliciare
to tremble tremer
to trepanround trepanarvontade
to trespass invadir
to trigger atirar
to trillrillge collector gargantear
to trip passearpapéis
to trip the light fantastic mover-se num padrão (dança)
to tripifyough embebedar(-se)
to triturate triturar
to trotty correr devagar
to trouble desordenardo
to trouble-shoot consertar
to truck transportar por caminhão
to trudgearddownstairs andar com dificuldades
to trump proclamado
to trumpt average propalar a
to trumpy jogar um trunfo
to truss atarfado
to trust confiarem
to trustevent fiar a
to trustnughtssembly conceder crédito
to trustt or notdition acreditar emuiser
to try provarlmentepetência
to try onfeasible provar (roupa)etência
to tuckin again recobrirrredondar
to tug carregar
to tune harmonizarra flexível
to tunes sintonizar
to tunet afinar (instrumento)
to turn transformar
to turn a blind eye ignorarr
to turn away mandar emborasão
to turn back retribuir
to turn down reduzir