English Portuguese
tons monte
tonsil amígdala
tonsille amígdala
tonsillectomy tonsilectomia
tonsillitis amigdalite
Tony Bath
Tony Accardo Tony Accardo
Tony Award Tony Award
Tony Banks Tony Banks
Tony Blair Tony Blair
Tony Buzan Tony Buzan
Tony Curtis Tony Curtis
Tony Hawk Tony Hawk
Tony Iommi Tony Iommi
Tony Jaa Tony Jaa
Tony Kakko Tony Kakko
Tony Levin Tony Levin
Tony McCarroll Tony McCaroll
Tony Orlando and Dawn Sonda Dawn
Tony Popović Tony Popović
Tony Richardson Tony Richardson
Tony Robbins Tony Robbins
Tony Scott Tony Scott
Tony Shalhoub Tony Shalhoub
Tony Tony Chopper Tony Tony Chopper
Tony Wilding Anthony Wilding
Tony Wilson Tony Wilson
too além de
too bad que
too demonstrative fervoroso
too expensive abusivo
too heavy acima do peso
too late atrasado
too many cooks spoil the broth quem não ajuda não atrapalha
too much demasiado
tool instrumento
tool (slang) bruto (gíria)
Tool bit Faca
toolbar barra de ferramentas
toolbox toolbox
Tools Ferramenta
Toomas Hendrik Ilves Toomas Hendrik Ilves
toon desenho
toot tocar
tooth dente
tooth and nail com unhas e dentes
tooth fairy fada dos dentes
tooth socket alvéolo
toothache dor
toothachen dor de dente
toothbrush escova de dentes
toothbrushrfdom escova de dentes
toothless desdentado
toothless to wish desdentado
toothpaste pasta de dente
toothpick palito de dentes
Toothpick cactus Stetsonia
toothsome apetitoso
tootle som de buzinaão
Tootsie Tootsie
top arrematar
top (adj.) superior
Top Cat Top Cat
top coat última mão
Top Gun Top Gun
top hat cartola
Top manager Chief executive officer
Top of the pops Parada musical
top off fechar