English Slovenian
Hans-Jürgen von Arnim Hans-Jürgen von Arnim
Hans-Ulrich Rudel Hans-Ulrich Rudel
Hans-Valentin Hube Hans-Valentin Hube
Hanse Hansa
Hanseatic League Hansa
Hanuman Hanuman
happiness sreča
happy srečen
happy birthday Vse najboljše za tvoj rojstni dan
Happy New Year srečno novo leto
Happy number Veselo število
Hapsburg Habsburžani
Harald Bohr Harald Bohr
Harald Sæverud Harald Sæverud
Harar Pravi zajec
harbour pristanišče
Harbour pilot Pilot
Harbour Porpoise Morski prašiček
hard drive trdi disk
Hard Eight Sydney
Hard to Be a God Težko je biti bog
Hard-hearted villain Gusar
hard-to-dispose-of waste problematični odpadki
Hardcore punk Hardcore punk
hardness trdota
Hardness² Strogost
Hardware shop Železnina
hare zajec
Harissa Harisa
Harlmful Škodljiv
Harlow Shapley Harlow Shapley
Harmonia Harmonija
Harmonic oscillation Nihanje
Harmonica Orglice
harmonisation of law uskladitev zakonodaje
Harmonist Glasbenik
Harmony Harmonija
Harold Hunter Harlod Hunter
Harold Pinter Harold Pinter
Harp Harfa
Harpalyke Harpalika
Harpies Harpije
Harpocrates Harpokrates
Harpsichord Čembalo
Harpy Harpije
Harrachov Harrachov
Harriet Tubman Harriet Tubman
Harry Houdini Harry Houdini
Harry Potter Harry Potter
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets Harry Potter in dvorana skrivnosti
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Harry Potter in Svetinje smrti
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire Harry Potter in ognjeni kelih
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince Harry Potter in Polkrvni princ
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix Harry Potter in feniksov red
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban Harry Potter in jetnik iz Azkabana
Harry Potter e a pedra filosofal Harry Potter in kamen modrosti
Harry Potter film series Harry Potter
Harry Potter films Harry Potter
Harshad number Harshadovo število
Harstad Harstad
Hartree Hartreejeva energija
Harts Jeleni
Haruki Murakami Haruki Murakami
Harun Aron