English Slovenian
Texas Instruments Texas Instruments
Text corpus Besedilni korpus
Text from the Rosetta Stone Kamen iz Rosette
textbook učbenik
Textile Snov
textile industry tekstilna industrija
textile plant tekstilna rastlina
Th Torij
Thabit number Tabitovo število
Thai tajski
Thai baht Bat
Thai proverbs Tajski pregovori
Thailand Tájska
Thais Tajda
Thalassa Morje
Thales Tales
Thalia Talija
Thallium Talija
Thalía Talija
Thames Temza
than kot
Thanatos Tanatos
thank you hvala
Thank You for Not Morphing Thank You for Not Morphing
Thank you very much Najlepša ti hvala
Thankless job Tlaka
Thankless task Tlaka
thanks hvala
that da
That kind of Toliko
That melts in the mouth Staliti se
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes Sherlock Holmes
The algebra of sets Teorija množic
The Anarchy Anarhija
The Andromeda Strain Andromeda
The Angel Angel
The Apple New York
The aristocracy Plemstvo
The Ashanti Ashanti
The Astronomer Astronom
The Aviator Letalec
The Bahamas Bahami
The Bar Bar
The Barber of Seville Seviljski brivec
The Batman Batman
The Battle Hymn of the Republic The Battle Hymn of the Republic
The Battle of Neretva Bitka na Neretvi
The Beatles The Beatles
The best Najbloje
The Birds Ptiči
The Black Hole Črna luknja
The Blue Marble Modra frnikola
The Book of Books Sveto pismo
The Book of One Thousand and One Nights Tisoč in ena noč
The Boss Šef
The Brabançonne La Brabançonne
The Bronx Bronx
The Brothers Karamazov Bratje Karamazovi
The Castle Grad
The Cathedral Katedrala
The Caucasus Mountains Kavkaz
The Caves of Steel Jeklene votline
The City of God O Božji državi
The Clouds Oblak
The Coast Obala
The Coca-Cola Company Podjetje Coca-Cola
The Communist Manifesto Komunistični manifest
The Core Taljenje
The Cosby Show Bill Cosby Show
The Croatian Diet Sabor
The Crusades Križarske vojne
The Culture Kultura
The Da Vinci Code Da Vincijeva šifra
The Dance Ples
The Dark Side of the Moon The Dark Side of the Moon
The Decalogue Deset Božjih zapovedi
The Deluge Vesoljni potop
The Devils Besi
The direction south Rak
The Disclosure Project Projekt Razodetje
The Divine Comedy Božanska komedija
The Eagle Has Landed Orel je pristal
The Elementary Particles Osnovni delec
The elk Los
The Emperor Imperator
The Empire Imperij
The Enlightenment Razsvetljenstvo
The Eternal City Rim
The Faculty Oni
The Famous Five Pet prijateljev
The Famous Grouse Famous Grouse
The Fellowship of the Ring Bratovščina prstana
The Five Ruska peterka
The Flying Dutchman Večni mornar
The Fog Megla
The Formula Formula
The Foundation Series Baza
The Fountain Vodna fontana
The Frogs Žabe
The Gambia Gambija
The Game Igra
The General General
The Getaway Beg iz zapora
The Glenlivet Glenlivet
The gnosticism Gnosticizem
The Godfather Boter
The Graduate Absolvent
The great majority of people Največ
The Great Schism Velika shizma
The Gunslinger Črna
The Hague Haag
The Heiress Dedinja
The Hierophant Papež
The Hobbit Hobit
The Hole Jama
The Holy Land Sveta dežela
The Holy See Vatikan
The Horror of Frankenstein Frankenstein
The Hours Ura
The Hunger Lakota
The Hurricane Tropski ciklon
The Idiot Idiot
The Iliad Iliada
The Internationale Internacionala
The Internet Internet
The Interpretation of Dreams Interpretacija sanj
The Invincible Nepremagljiva
The Island Otok
The Isle Otok
The Italian Bob Fajda
The Jews Judovstvo
The King and the Clown Kralj in klovn
The Kingdom Kraljestvo
The Kiss Poljub
The language Jezik
The Last Frontier Aljaska
The Last Judgment Sodni dan
The Last Supper Zadnja večerja
The Leopard Leopard
The Line of Beauty Linija lepote
The Little Prince Mali princ
The Locos band The Locos
The Lord of the Rings Gospodar prstanov
The Lord of the Rings film trilogy Gospodar prstanov
The Lord of the Rings Roleplaying Game Gospodar prstanov
The Lord of the Rings Strategy Battle Game Gospodar prstanov
The Love for Three Oranges Zaljubljen v tri oranže
The Macallan Macallan
The maffia Mafija
The majority Največ
The Matrix Matrika
The Messiah Mesija
The Middle Ages Srednji vek
The Middle East Bližnji vzhod
The Mirror Zrcalo
The Mission Misijonar
The Missouri Breaks Misuri
The Modern Age Novi vek
The modern period Novi vek
The Moon Luna
The Moon in mythology Naravni satelit
The Motorcycle Diaries Motoristov dnevnik
The Mountain Gora
The Mummy Mumija
The Naked Sun Golo sonce
The Need for Speed Need for speed
The Net Sistem
The Netherlands Nizozemska
The New World Novi svet
The New York Times The New York Times
The nobility Plemstvo
The Nose Nos
The Nutcracker Hrestač
The Odyssey Odiseja
The Old Man and the Sea Starec in morje
The Omen Omen
The Oracle Preročišče
The Ox Bik
The Passion of the Christ Jezusovo trpljenje
The Patriotic Song Himna Ruske federacije
The peerage Plemstvo
The Pentagon Petkotnik
The Philadelphia Experiment Filadelfijski poskus
The Piano Klavir
The Pilgrimage Romanje
The Piper at the Gates of Dawn The Piper at the Gates of Dawn
The Plague Kuga
The Plainsman Buffalo Bill
The police Policija
The Possessed Besi
The Postman Poštar
The Praise of Folly Hvalnica norosti
The Prince Vladar
The Queen Dama
The Raw Youth Mladostništvo
The Red Hot Chili Peppers Red Hot Chili Peppers
The Republic Država
The Restaurant at the End of the Universe Restavracija ob koncu Vesolja
The Return Vrni se
The Rite of Spring Pomladno obredje
The River Reka
The Rock Kamnina
The Rolling Stones Rolling Stones
The Royal Anthem of Jordan As-salam al-malaki al-urdoni
The Saturn Awards Saturn
The Sea Wolf Večni mornar
The Second World War Druga svetovna vojna
The Simpsons Simpsonovi
The Simpsons Movie Simpsonovi
The Skatalites The Skatalites
The Sleeping Beauty Trnuljčica
The Sleeping Beauty Ballet Trnuljčica
The Sleeping Beauty in the Woods Trnuljčica
The smart set Teorija množic
The Snake Pit Kačje brezno
The Sopranos Sopranovi
The Space Odyssey series Vesoljska odiseja
The Specialist Specialec
The Spirit Spirit
The stage Gledališče
The Stand Bastijon