English Swedish
Thomas Pitt Thomas Pitt
Thomas Pynchon Thomas Pynchon
Thomas Ravelli Thomas Ravelli
Thomas Reid Thomas Reid
Thomas Robert Bugeaud Thomas Robert Bugeaud de la Piconnerie
Thomas Rundqvist Thomas Rundqvist
Thomas Samuel Kuhn Thomas Samuel Kuhn
Thomas Sankara Thomas Sankara
Thomas Schelling Thomas Schelling
Thomas Sowell Thomas Sowell
Thomas Spencer Vaughan Phillips Thomas Phillips
Thomas Sørensen Thomas Sørensen
Thomas Tallis William Byrd
Thomas the Apostle Tomas
Thomas the Tank Engine Thomas och vännerna
Thomas the Tank Engine and Friends Thomas och vännerna
Thomas Vanek Thomas Vanek
Thomas Vinterberg Thomas Vinterberg
Thomas Wassberg Thomas Wassberg
Thomas Wolfe Thomas Wolfe
Thomas Wolsey Thomas Wolsey
Thomas Woolner Thomas Woolner
Thomas Young Thomas Young
Thomas à Kempis Thomas a Kempis
Thomism Thomism
Thomm Volym
Thomond Thomond
Thompson Thompson
Thompson submachine gun Thompson
Thomson Thomson
Thomson and Thompson Dupondtarna
Thomson SA Thomson
thong läderrem
Thoothukudi Tuticorin
Thor Tor
Thor Heyerdahl Thor Heyerdahl
Thor Vilhjálmsson Thor Vilhjálmsson
Thora Tora
thorax thorax
Thorbjørn Jagland Thorbjørn Jagland
Thorgal Thorgal
Thorin II Oakenshield Torin Ekenskölde
Thorin Oakenshield Torin Ekenskölde
thorium torium
Thorkell the Tall Torkel den höge
thorn tagg
thorn apple spikklubba
Thorn Commission Kommissionen Thorn
thorn-bush törn-buske
Thornback ray Knaggrocka
thornbush törnbuske
Thornton Wilder Thornton Wilder
thorny törnig
Thorny Devil Taggagam
thorough fullkomlig
thorough search noggrann undersökning
thoroughbred rasren
Thoroughbreds Fullblodshäst
thoroughfare huvudgata
thoroughgoing fullkomlig
thoroughly fullständigt
thoroughness grundlighet
Thorstein Veblen Thorstein Veblen
Thorvald Stauning Thorvald Stauning
those de där
Those Magnificent Men in Their Flying Machines Dessa fantastiska män i sina flygande maskiner
those qualified to vote valberättigade personer
those who de som
Those Who Must Be Kept Those Who Must Be Kept
Thot Thot
Thoth Thot
thou du
though ändå
thought avsikt
Thought disorder Tankestörning
thought police tankepolis
thought-change tankeförändring
thought-out uttänkt
thoughtful tankfull
thoughtfully omsorgsfullt
thoughtfulness uppmärksamhet
thoughtless obetänksam
thoughtlessly tanklöst
thousand tusen
Thousand years old Millennium
thousand-year tusenåriga
thousandth tusende
Thrace Thrakien
Thracia Thrakien
Thracian Thrakien
Thracian language Thrakiska
Thracian Tomb of Kazanlak Den trakiska graven i Kazanlak
Thracian Tomb of Sveshtari Den trakiska graven i Sveshtari
Thracians Thraker