Search term evolution has 10 results
EN English SV Swedish
evolution utveckling (u)
evolution (n) [evolvement] utveckling (n) [evolvement] (u)
evolution (n) [biology: change in the genetic composition of a population over time] evolution (n) [biology: change in the genetic composition of a population over time] (u)
evolution (n) [evolvement] evolution (n) [evolvement] (u)
evolution evolution (u)
SV Swedish EN English
evolution (n) [utveckling] (u) development (n) [utveckling]
evolution (u) evolution
evolution (n) [biology: change in the genetic composition of a population over time] (u) evolution (n) [biology: change in the genetic composition of a population over time]
evolution (n) [utveckling] (u) evolution (n) [utveckling]
evolution (n) [utveckling] (u) evolvement (n) [utveckling]

Swedish English translations

SV Synonyms for evolution EN Translations
process [utveckling] (u case
fortskridande [utveckling] progressive
förlopp [utveckling] n lapse
framsteg [förkovran] n advances
tillväxt [förkovran] (u growth
stegring [förkovran] (u increase
framåtskridande [förkovran] n advancement (formal)
progress [förkovran] (u advancement (formal)
dynamik [förkovran] (u dynamics
prognos [förkovran] (u forecast
följd [förkovran] (u series
utveckling [förkovran] (u growth
förfall [urartning] n dilapidation
dekadans [urartning] (u decadence
fördärv [urartning] n undoing
tillbakagång [urartning] (u slump
regress [urartning] regress (formal)
ursprung [härstamning] n source