Search term expect has 7 results
EN English SV Swedish
expect (v) [anticipate] antecipera (v) [anticipate]
expect (v) [wish] räkna med (v) [wish]
expect vänta
expect (v) [To believe to be about to occur] förvänta (v) [To believe to be about to occur]
expect (v) [wish] förvänta (v) [wish]
EN English SV Swedish
expect (v) [anticipate] vänta sig (v) [anticipate]
expect påräkna
EN Synonyms for expect SV Translations
intend [anticipation] mikken op
propose [anticipation] uitloven
contemplate [anticipation] contempleren
anticipate [anticipation] prejudiciëren
design [anticipation] tekening {f}
foreordain [anticipation] voorbestemmen
purpose [anticipation] honk
mean [anticipation] gemiddeld
receive [be eligible for] ondergaan
get [be eligible for] buit maken
acquire [be eligible for] opdoen
claim [demand] staande houden
call for [demand] vergen
impose [demand] dwingen
exact [demand] afpersen
require [demand] moeten
desire [demand] verkiezen
ask [demand] vragen
assume [understand] op zich nemen
suppose [understand] stellen